OM Yoga UK - November 2018

(Michael S) #1

om living

Twisted Triangle
Come into warrior two position. Straighten your right leg. Bring your
left hand to the floor. Stretch your right fingers to the sky. Look
beyond your fingertips.
Gut health benefits
Stimulates the abdominal organs.
Aids with digestive problems.

Forward Fold
Come into rock the cradle pose. Feet hip width distance. Place hand
under feet. Fingers facing back. Pull the chest to shins. Release tension
from neck.
Gut health benefits
Improves digestion.
Calms the brain, helps relieve stress and mild depression
(brain gut connection).

Revolved Chair
Begin in mountain pose. Bring your palms together, up to the sky.
Bend your knees. Bring your right elbow to the outside or your left
knee. Twist your torso to the left. Keep knees in-line. Stack your
elbows. Look to the sky.
Gut health benefits
Improves digestion and increases metabolism.
Stimulates abdominal organs.

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