om family
worth. When a child’s confidence grows,
creativity flows and so does the ability to
express freely.
Uplift with name games
and affirmations in poses
As we introduce ourselves we share what
we are feeling grateful for or think about
what part of our body we love the most.
Sometimes whilst holding a pose we
incorporate affirmations. These are positive
self-statements that promote constructive
behaviour such as compassion, self-esteem,
peace and honesty. For example: When
holding the warrior poses...warrior 1 – I
am smart; warrior 2 – I am strong; warrior
3 – I am balanced ... I am beautiful, I am
brave etc. The mind is a powerful thing and
repeating positive affirmations helps us
believe them, feel them and become them.
Express yourself
Through specific themes we discover the
anatomy of our bodies and learn the
scientific names for bones and muscles.
Many questions are asked, and all answers
are honoured! A question like... if you were
a butterfly... where would you fly right now?
develops curiosity about the world and
travel. Some will choose Jamaica; others
Sainsbury’s and all answers are welcomed.
Asking questions after poses encourages
curiosity and nurtures creativity in the yoga
class and in everyday situations. How do you
feel after a relaxation? What did you notice
during this balancing pose? What did you
feel in your body and mind during this strong
pose? Did you feel calm or energised?
Be stronger together
We encourage intrapersonal development
through meditation, mindfulness and poses
practiced independently. But we also want
to nurture a child’s interpersonal side.
Competition in yoga is discouraged but
group and partner poses and games can
dramatically improve connection, awaken
creativity, cultivate trust and encourage
social interaction with peers. Nurturing and
honouring good friendships and relationships
is very important for a fulfilled life.
Explore the world
Imagination and creativity are encouraged
in all poses. Through stories we explore
rainforests, oceans, jungles, space and
countries around the globe. Nearly all yoga
poses are based on nature and of course
there are the man-made objects. We plant
seeds in learning areas so that the children
are constantly learning new facts through
the poses – ecology, science, biology and
even some maths. We explore different
cultures, languages, foods, instruments and
music from different continents, developing
an awareness and appreciation for sound
and rhythm. Using mandalas, we enjoy
drawing meditation – often creating our
own with items we collect on walks such as
leaves, acorns, flowers, little sticks etc.
Move the body
Children become more aware of their bodies
as they move into poses and use their
imaginations to explore the world around
them. They are constantly being reminded
to listen to their body and observe how it
feels. The body is strengthened. Senses are
awakened and educated. Each pose has a
profound effect on aligning the body and
balancing all its intricate systems.
Balance the brain
Brain balance poses such as the eagle help
to connect the left and right hemisphere
of the brain by crossing the body’s midline.
The left side of the brain governs logic while
the right hemisphere coordinates tasks that
involve creativity and the arts.
Relaxation is key
True physical and mental relaxation is an
important benefit of yoga. Deep relaxation
balances the entire nervous system, putting
us into the calm state of rest and digest –
an optimal state to allow our creative juices
to flow.
It’s clear that yoga and mindfulness provide
a wonderful platform to explore creativity.
So, when next you hear the cry of boredom
- do not to be tempted to entertain. See
instead an invitation to help the child explore
and discover creativity.
Bryony Duckitt is the founder of YogaBeez
Children’s Yoga School. Merging her
passions of yoga, mindfulness and
Montessori, she runs accredited teacher
trainings around the globe (
Warrior 3
- I am balanced