OM Yoga UK - November 2018

(Michael S) #1

om spirit om spirit

7 ways you can live with greater intention in your day-to-day life. By Ashley St John


s humans, we search to be
comfortable, and most of the
time we crave structure. Both
are essential to a healthy
lifestyle in one aspect or
another. But it is possible to get so caught
up in the chatter around you, and so
distracted by expectations, that you may
forget what is actually happening inside of
you. It’s in these moments that mindfulness
and intention are muted, and it simply
becomes easier to “go with the flow” of
daily routine. Losing sight of our intention
each day can become self-destructive over
time, as it clouds our judgement and hinders
our growth. Living intentionally will mean
something different to each person, but the
roots of the phrase are essentially the same:
a) to live with so much purpose that you can
be mindful in each situation in which you
find yourself; b) to notice your reactions

before they happen, and not necessarily
find a constant, positive state of mind, but
definitely create the ability to see past the
distractions, even if just in little amounts;
and c) to make deliberate decisions based
on your own intuition, and be so connected
with yourself that when the time comes to
make a choice, you can do so confidently.

Here are 7 ways to help you live

  1. Notice
    This is the very base of living intentionally.
    It’s common to feel pressured to feel the
    positive emotions more than the negative
    ones; to focus on the light versus the dark. In
    reality, we need to focus on whatever comes
    up - the good and the bad. This is how we
    learn more about ourselves, the situations
    we are in, the people around us, and how

it all affects us. Respect each feeling,
thought, and situation for what it is. Notice
and observe it instead of pushing it away.
You can’t get rid of negative distractions
without facing them head on and figuring
out where they are coming from. It’s this
kind of deep mindfulness, awareness and
intentionality that help us begin to notice
the aspects of our obstacles that need to
be let go. Over time, this will help to release
doubt and judgement, and make room for
more positivity. Remember though: this takes
patience and practice!

  1. Remind yourself: you are your
    best teacher
    You can search everywhere, learn from every
    guru and teacher, but ultimately, the tools
    you need every day for your own personal
    growth are ones you already possess.
    Sometimes it takes a little work to learn how



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