om spirit
what yoga is and should be is inevitably
influenced by the perceptions of yogis
themselves. “You’ve got to remember,” she
says, “that 75% of the market for yoga in
the US has only been practicing for less than
three years. They’re a lot further away from
the original teachers who brought styles like
Ashtanga or Iyengar to the West in the first
place. The majority of yogis today are casual
practitioners who only go to yoga once or
twice a month. This gets confusing for those
of us who’ve been around longer – I’ve been
practicing for nearly 20 years – because
we can’t understand how someone can be
casually spiritual.”
This makes absolute sense. And the
history of yoga in the West proves that
there’s no such thing as a yoga that can
be enshrined as pure. But if the teachers
coming into yoga are simply reflecting the
needs of casual practitioners, surely yoga is
going to drift further away from the aspects
that relate specifically to metaphysical
health, developed over centuries?
Ava Taylor’s take on the growth of yoga
is that “New leaves and buds will continue
to sprout from the tree, drawing from its
roots. But we do need to make sure that as
diversity grows, the classical system that
nurtures everything is also nourished. YAMA
does all we can to support both.”
“In 2017, the global yoga
industry was said to be
worth £74 billion.”
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In dreams begin
The vision of yoga adapted to the needs
of all kinds of people and communities all
over the world, practicing online if they
can’t get to studios, using technological
innovations such as smart mats (which do
exist) while discovering ancient wisdom is
certainly wonderful.
But there’s no getting away from the fact
that there is a spiritual dimension to yoga.
Even if you ignore its roots in Hinduism, yoga
has the proven power to transform your
consciousness and that’s why it’s special.
Along with millions of yogis, I know this.
So perhaps the debate around what yogi is
and should be misses the point. Speaking
about the real meaning of yoga, the Indian
philosopher Krishnamurti said what was of
primary importance was “to have a brain”.
It’s up to all of us who practice, whether
we’ve just fallen in love with the practice or –
like me – we’re part of the business of yoga,
to use our brains and find our own path into
the future.
This article is an introduction to a
complex and fascinating subject. I’ve
tried to simplify as much as possible
without being simplistic. My main source
of reference was The Subtle Body: The
Story of Yoga in America by Stefanie
Syman, Yoga Body.
Find out more about David Holzer at: