Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
the work of faithful interpretation. We apprehend the saving Word of God

only as we play the scriptures in ways that allow their splendor to show

itself. The beauty of God’s music comes to life just in our beautifying

performance of it.

This model also draws our attention to the ethics of interpretation. As

David Dawson explains, for Origen “the ethical task is to read in a way

that allows or enables that occurrence [witnessed by scripture] to ‘hap-

pen’ again for the present-day reader.” 9 And this “happening again” is

made possible just through beautiful readings of scripture by which read-

ers themselves are transformed, beautifi ed. Not that that transformation

happens mechanically or in predictable patterns, of course. The realities of

interpretation and its effects are too complex to map exactly. But if in fact

scripture is “the Spirit’s instrument by which the living Christ speaks,” 10

if in fact the Word is speaking to us in our hearing of the scriptures and

awaiting a response from us, as Origen insists, then we cannot not be

changed by that address. 11 The liturgical, homiletic, and devotional hear-

ing/reading/speaking of the scriptures becomes “the mediational locus”

of our encounter with the living, life-giving God, 12 an encounter that

again and again awakens us to live with and within Christ for the sake of

the world, making us “active actors in the theodrama” that is the reconcili-

ation of all things in the embrace of the Triune love. 13

Augustine, in his meditations on the Psalms, provides an excellent exam-

ple. As he describes it, the liturgical recitation of a Psalm enables believers

“to express what is otherwise hidden from him or her,” and in the process

“unseals deep places, emotions otherwise buried,” which, unearthed, can

be confronted in spiritual direction and offered up in praise or laid out as

petition. In this way, reciting the Psalms trains the believer to converse

with God and with the church. “The act of recitation becomes an opening

to the transforming action of grace.” 14 Drawing Augustine’s interpretive

model into conversation with Origen’s, we can say that “hearing” the

scriptures faithfully gives us the “ear” necessary for “playing” them. Once

we have learned, through long obedience, “how to make the voice of the

Body of Christ in worship our own,” we can read scripture in ways that

decide for God, that body forth our love for the Father “to whom the

Body of Christ by grace always speaks,” 15 as well as our love for the Body

itself, because it is Christ’s and Christ is God’s.

Of course, when I say that we have to make the scriptures beautiful, I

do not mean that we give the scriptures a beauty they do not have other-

wise. Instead, we beautify the scriptures with the beauty we ourselves are

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