Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
arises from historical drama, responsive actions, and continual reminders.

Depending on Israel’s response, Israel would know YHWH as either a

gracious or betrayed suzerain according to the events in their national

history, for “God makes himself known through His mighty works, both

in nature and in history.” 57 In other words, knowing God arises from

the materiality of history—spanning past, present, and future—and one’s

response to the covenant: “Knowledge of God, in the fullest sense, is inev-

itably an obedient knowledge.” 58 For Pentecostals, charismatic existence is

missional existence, an obedience to the eschatological mission. Covenant

knowledge thus is holistic knowledge.

This materiality leads to the importance of embodied worship.

Because worship is the “primary traditioning act,” 59 how Pentecostals

understand and practice worship will impact how the current and sub-

sequent Pentecostal church will know and relate with God. This is why

Simon Chan warns against reductionistic worship and builds a case for

worship that is centered on the Eucharist, for the Eucharist holistically

integrates the charismatic, in transforming the participants into the char-

ismatic body of Christ, and the evangelical, in celebrating, remembering,

re-enacting, reappropriating, applying, and proclaiming the mysteries

of the faith. 60 An important facet of the suzerainty treaty was its non-

reductive means of revelation that incorporated YHWH’s mighty acts

of history to establish a material relationship. YHWH is interested in

creating a relationship based on mercy, obedience, and the reality of his

presence through both blessings and curses. Israel’s response to the law

would have affected the way they knew God and would have brought

about the reality signifi ed in the law. This liturgically shaped obedience

expresses faithful living, one that points to a liturgical ontology. 61 Thus,

the Exodus 20 narrative provides a clear picture of the materiality, the

grittiness, of the Old Testament worldview that does not subjugate the

material to the spiritual, the physical to the cognitive.


Divine encounter is a means for holistic knowledge of God. This knowl-

edge registers cognitively and affectively and is continually reinforced

through the material acts of Pentecostal worship, such as prayers for

healing and responding to altar calls. Pentecostal worship exemplifi es the

freedom of the Spirit to blow wherever the Spirit desires; Pentecostals

are always open to the surprising work of the Spirit. However, Exodus

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