Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
dant epistemology that arises from a participatory ontology is an affec-

tive knowledge that relativizes the importance of cognition, opposing the

Cartesian anthropology of “thinking things” and the univocity of being of

Duns Scotus that carves space for autonomous spheres of reason. Exodus

20 portrays the material nature of the covenant relationship. By affi rm-

ing the formative epistemological power of embodied acts, Pentecostals

can cognitively, openly, and purposefully shape their liturgy of the church

and the liturgy of life to allow God to shape who they are as persons and

communities. Perhaps this way they can navigate between the Scylla of

fi deism and withdrawal from the world and the Charybdis of correlationist

theology that compromises the integrity of revelation by leaving room for

autonomous spheres.

Elements of Pentecostal praxis and worship implicitly accept the forma-

tive power of embodied acts on knowing. Furthermore, the sacramentality

of creation points to the reality and possibility of divine encounter in all

acts. Therefore, the institution of an embodied liturgy can aid the holis-

tic formation of Pentecostals. Liturgy can draw the whole congregation

in the participation of the worship from every angle. Its stimulation of

the fi ve senses can draw the worshippers together toward divine encoun-

ter and with each other, so that the reality of unity becomes engrained

through the practices of the church.

I have offered a suggestion for the inclusion of embodied liturgy in

conversation with Simon Chan. This suggestion is exactly that, a sugges-

tion, and it is open to revision and correction. Also, I have not offered

an analysis of current Pentecostal forms of worship that carry great for-

mative value, such as laying on of hands for healing and Spirit baptism,

being “slain” in the Spirit, or “praying through” at the altar. These intense

moments of worship can greatly aid non-Pentecostal liturgies. In this

chapter, however, I merely suggested a form of liturgy that Pentecostals

can adopt without recommending the exportation of Pentecostal forms of

worship for the benefi t of other traditions. Perhaps another can take up

this task for the mutual edifi cation of the church.


  1. James Κ.A. Smith, Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural
    Formation (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009), 40.

  2. Hermeneutics is not relegated only to biblical, canonical, or spiritual
    hermeneutics. Interpretation, to know anything, is in one sense an “inter-

136 Y. SHIN

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