Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
(Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2011), 67. Emphasis mine. Integrating this
view with the sacramental nature of creation, the conclusion is that material
creation can be a conduit of God’s transformative grace, and not only spiritu-
alized forms of worship. However, this sacramental nature of creation does
not lead to sacramental relativism. Smith offers an answer to this question in
a consistent manner with his non- dualistic ontology, stating that, while every-
thing is sacramental in structure, Scripture dedicates certain acts as sacra-
ments of the highest order: “Jesus takes up particular things from creation
and endues them with a sense of special presence, an especially intense pres-
ence. In this way Jesus seems to establish particular hot spots of sacramental-
ity within a good creation.” Smith, Desiring the Kingdom , 149.

  1. Macchia, “Tongues,” 66.

  2. Ibid., 71.

  3. Simon Chan, Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshipping Community
    (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2006), 126.

  4. Rex Davis, “Living Liturgically: The Charismatic Contribution,” in
    Strange Gifts?: A Guide to Charismatic Renewal , ed. David Martin and
    Peter Mullen (New York: Basil Blackwell Publisher, 1984), 110.

  5. John H. Miller, “The Nature and Defi nition of the Liturgy,” Theological
    Studies 18:3 (1957): 331.

  6. Stephen Dove, “Hymnody and Liturgy in the Azusa Street Revival,
    1906–1908,” Pneuma 31:2 (2009): 246.

  7. Ibid., 248–254.

  8. Ibid., 248.

  9. Wesley Scott Biddy, “Re-Envisioning the Pentecostal Understanding of
    the Eucharist: An Ecumenical Proposal,” Pneuma 28:2 (2006): 233.

  10. Edward F.  Campbell Jr., “Moses and the Foundations of Israel,”
    Interpretation 29:2 (April 1, 1975): 148.

  11. Meredith G.  Kline, Treaty of the Great King: The Covenant Structure of
    Deuteronomy: Studies and Commentary (Grand Rapids: William
    B. Eerdmans, 1963), 14.

  12. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, “Aramaic Suzerainty Treaty from Sefi re in the Museum
    of Beirut,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 20:4 (1958): 445.

  13. Kline, Treaty of the Great King , 17.

  14. Ibid., 14–15.

  15. Ibid., 16.

  16. Ibid., 15.

  17. Meredith Kline, “The Two Tables of the Covenant,” Westminster
    Theological Journal 22:2 (1960): 135.

  18. Kline, Treaty of the Great King , 19.

  19. William Dyrness, Themes in Old Testament Theology (Downers Grove:
    InterVarsity Press, 1979), 144.

140 Y. SHIN

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