Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1

© The Author(s) 2016 177
K.J. Archer, L.W. Oliverio, Jr. (eds.), Constructive
Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity,
DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-58561-5_11


The Science, Sighs, and Signs

of Interpretation: An Asian American Post-

Pentecost- al Hermeneutics in a Multi-,

Inter-, and Trans-cultural World

Amos Yong

I have been writing about hermeneutics in global and cross-cultural per-

spective as a Pentecostal theologian for a while. 1 Along the way, my herme-

neutical considerations have been enriched—or complicated, depending

on one’s perspective—by work on theology’s dialogue with the natural

sciences, by inhabiting more fully my location as a 1.5 generation (born

in Malaysia but raised and educated in the USA since my middle school

years) Asian American naturalized immigrant, and by research about the

role of affectivity in the theological task. 2 The following thus represents

my current thinking about Pentecostal hermeneutics in global context.

In brief, my argument is that the way forward for Pentecostal herme-

neutics in a pluralistic world, understood variously as the following will

unpack, is to develop not so much a confessional approach founded on any

genealogical connection with the Azusa Street Revival at the turn of the

twentieth century, 3 but to adopt the Day of Pentecost apostolic experience

A. Yong ()
Fuller Theological Seminary , Pasadena , CA , USA

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