Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
placeholders for certain functions and then only provisionally engaged in

ways that invite further specifi cation. In short, whatever Asian or American

might mean are generalizations that serve certain (theological) purposes,

and these speak not only for segments of both groups but also in certain

(not exhaustive) respects.

At a second level, dyadic combinations multiply the diffi culties expo-

nentially, much more than as if issues were merely the sum of the two

considered disparately. For instance, Asian American invites qualifi cation

not only in terms of both sides of this binary, but also with regard to the

conditions of their togetherness. First-generation immigrants are differ-

ent from 1.5- generation sojourners, and these are in turn distinct from

second- generation experiences, and migrants and students have different

vantage points, as do those who are here on shorter- to longer-term work

permits or visas or who are Asian American biracially, and so on. The

point is that Asian American can mean so many different things not only

in what each category represents on its own but then vis-à-vis their vari-

ous possible combinations.

Here it is now appropriate to consider what difference Pentecostal

makes when factored into the equation. Initially, Pentecostal as an adjec-

tive can refer to a specifi c set of ecclesial traditions that trace their roots

back to the Azusa Street revival in the early twentieth century, and in

many contemporary contexts, such includes churches and denomina-

tions derived from these movements and often (though far from always)

including that specifi c word in their title. 18 Yet there is a sense in which

the notion Pentecostal has expanded to include charismatic movements

in the mainline Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions and even

other groups indigenous to Christianity in the majority world that exhibit

Pentecostal-type spirituality but oftentimes go by other labels. 19 The point

is that apart from geographical markers, Pentecostal is already problematic

as a blending of ecclesial movements across spectra in multiple directions.

Following from this, the notions of American Pentecostal and Asian

Pentecostal (to move on to the other possible dyadic registers of our triadic

Asian American Pentecostal formulation) invite cautious procession for

additional reasons related to historiographical debates. 20 American in the

former case now includes not only the pluralisms inherent in the USA (and

Canada too), but also the intricacies related to the infl uence of the North

American versions of the movement across the global South. American

Pentecostal perspectives hence cannot be assumed to be located only in

the North American context, but may be prevalent across the majority

182 A. YONG

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