Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
a post- Pentecost- al hermeneutics follows the apostolic example, less in

terms of attempting to specify how they received their authoritative writ-

ings than that they sought to understand present experience in light of the

established tradition. In this specifi c case, theirs was the experience of the

divine spirit, and therefore they returned to the promise of such spirit in

the prophetic literature. 24

At a second level, a post-Pentecost-al hermeneutical paradigm interprets

scripture following the established “rules” of post-apostolic traditions, as

received generally within the broad consensus of the church ecumenical.

Here, of course, “post-Pentecost” simply is extended to include the full

scope of the Christian tradition after the apostolic generations. I include

within this scheme, surely, the modern hermeneutical traditions as devel-

oped academically and in this respect “scientifi cally,” whether those advo-

cating historical and grammatical criticism or other literary, canonical, and

related approaches developed since the early modern period. 25 Yet besides

these established hermeneutical “sciences,” we ought not to forget patris-

tic and medieval traditions foregrounding multiple levels of discerning the

divine word via spiritual, moral, allegorical, and related interpretive meth-

ods. In many respects, these earlier paradigms are more amenable to the

pneumatic dimension of scriptural reception that not only seeks to under-

stand texts in their original context but also how they might be applied

in any contemporary horizon. If some proponents of modern historical

critical methods are wary about how such so-called subjective perspectives

might undermine the quest for the putatively objective meaning of texts in

their original contexts, other more late modern and post-modern herme-

neuticians suggest that reader-response hermeneutics is unavoidable and

thus simply need to be acknowledged and disciplined. 26 At this second

level, however, what is important is to highlight how there are a vari-

ety of hermeneutical approaches developed throughout Christian history

that enable what might be understood as “living into the spirit of biblical

texts” in subsequent ages and contexts.

It is perhaps from this reader-response perspective that we ought to

specify a third level of guidelines for a post-Pentecost-al hermeneutic that

relate especially to the Asian American site where I am located. As already

indicated, if the original Pentecost account valued the particularity of each

language, then the specifi city of the Asian American witness, no matter

how generalized its designation, ought not to be minimized. While Asian

American hermeneutics is open to multiple trajectories of exploration,

more generally speaking for the moment, I suggest simply that there are

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