Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
afterward. That is, we fi rst take in the power of what is said, rather than the
knowledge of it.”

  1. Eugen Rosentock-Huessy, Out of Revolution: Autobiography of Western
    Man (Norwich, VT: Argo Books, 1969; orig. 1938), 756.

  2. Cf. Luke Timothy Johnson and William S.  Kurz, The Future of Catholic
    Biblical Scholarship: A Constructive Conversation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
    2002), 119: “If Scripture is ever again to be a living source for theology,
    those who practice theology must become less preoccupied with the world
    that produced the Scripture and learn again to live in the world that
    Scripture produces.”

  3. Jay L. Garfi eld, “Philosophy, Religion, and the Hermeneutic Imperative,”
    in Gadamer’s Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer , ed. Jeff
    Malpas, Ulrich Arnswald, and Jens Kertscher (Cambridge, MA: MIT
    Press, 2002), 97.


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