Tanukhi, 57
Tar'ikh (Tabari), 152-153
Ta'rikh Futuh al-Sham (Basri), 33, 63
Tarikh-i Sind (Nadvi), 173
Tar'ikh Masumi (Masum), 19, 154
taxation, 14, 25, 33, 39, 43-44, 63, 74,
88-89, ro8, n8-n9, 125-127,
135-136, 160
temples (destruction of), 25, 163,
167-168, I7I, I74, 196n56. See also
religion; Uch
temporality (in historiography), 16,
Textures of Time (Rao, Shulman, and
Subrahmanyam), 198m
Thana, 35
Thapar, Romila, 4, r88n6
Thaqafi Hakam, 35
Thatta, 159
trade, 23-32, r92n5
Trade and Civilization in the Indian
Ocean (Chaudhuri), r92n3
translation: Chachnama as, 9-12, 15,
48, 55-62 1 651 8r; colonial scholar-
ship and, 13, 157, 162-163, r68,
170-179, 2r6n23; generic require-
ments and, 201n36; religious
differences and, 41, ro9-no, 124-127
trees, 23, 47-48, 66, 77, 183
Tughluq, Firuz Shah, 19, 144, 184
Tughluqnama (Khursau), 96
Tuhfat-ul Kiram (Qani'), 19, 145,
155, 163
Tulsi Das, Rana Rai, ro3, ro6
Tosi, 56
Uch: Chachnama's depiction of, 9-12,
15, 63-64, 71-72, 8o-'-8r, 97; Cho-
listan desert and, 19, 182; in
contemporary geography, 12-13;
cultural memory in, 16-18; local
interviews in, 47-48, 77-81, 79,
122-123, 150-152, 182-183; natural
and built environment of, 47-48, 97,
150-152; as political center, 16-17,
20, 24-26, 48-55, 58-59, 83, 144-145,
184, 198n3; religious diversity and,
ro3-107; sacral sites in, 10, 17, 23-26,
69, 71, 103-107, 120-125, 182-183;
walls in, 23, 104, 183
ul-Haq, Zia, 7, I76, 179
ul-Qadir Jilani, 'Abd, ro6
Umayyads, 33, 36-37, 41-42, r9,i;n24,
United States, 1
un-Nisa, Sharf, 147
'Uthman bin 'Affan, 35
Vallabha, 44
Van Der Kuijp, Leonard W. J., r96n57
Varnasi, 50
Vikramacarita, 98
Visnusarman, 98
Volney, Constantin-Fran<;:ois, I7
Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie
(Volney), I7
Vushmgir, Qabus ibn, 95
Waggoner, Phillip, r88n8
Walid bin 'Abdal Malik, 36, 41
Walid 'Umani, Daud bin Nasr bin, n4
W'alking, 32-34, 120,183
Wathik, 34
Well of Baba Farid, r2r-r25
WentW'orth, Blake T., r97n58
Wink, Andre, 31, 37, r92n3
W'Omen: Chach's ascent and, 13; in
colonial accounts, 145-146; as
ethical subjects, 21, 128-149;
immurement and, 2r2n2r; marriage
alliances and, 108, 2rm39; political
poW'er of, 65-66, r94n24, 2nn3;
Qasim's accusers and, 14, 136-137,
144-149; temporality and, 130;
tombs of, n6. See also politics;
religion; specific women
Xuanzang,30, r98n4
Ya'qubi, 33, 94
Yemen, 26-27, 30, 45, 71, 73
Yildiz, Taj al-Din, 51, 53, 83
Zakariya, Bah'auddin, 53
Zhang Qian, 30
Zunbils, r95n38