La Yoga - January December 2018-January 2019

(Marcin) #1

Where I Pick Up LA Yoga

Yoga Teacher Amy Renee
( picked up her copy of
LA YOGA after teaching a Paws Yoga class
at Cat Cafe Lounge in West LA
( The next Paws Yoga
class will be held on December 8.

Would you like to be featured in a
future issue of LA YOGA? Please send
us a high resolution photo of yourself
with the magazine at your favorite
location to see yourself in print.
Email us at: [email protected]

Where Do You Pick Up
Yo u r L A Yo g a?


Dani K atz

Jamie Mok

For me, this New Year is all
about personal growth. This
includes getting clear on goals,
accepting challenges,
embracing the unknown, and
prioritizing time and energy on
experiences that support this
process. I plan on traveling
abroad to a new destination,
trying aerial yoga, and without
a doubt adopting more plant

I am super stoked for 2019
to gift me deep, profound,
transformative connections
with soul family; inspired
collaborations with visionary
changemakers; and oodles of
belly laughs.

We asked a selection of our contributors the following question this issue:

What are some goals, ideas, or plans you are working to manifest in the

New Year?

Collin Stark

My number one priority
is family. Next is working
on my art. My goal is to be
more of a self publisher with
my new online magazine and to
keep improving on every aspect
of my career.

Lia Abbate
IG @sunnyat

My theme for 2019 will be
“Welcoming the Stranger”
with “strange” as the defining
principle. While I expand
my personal interactions and
participate in events that were
“created for other people,” I
hope that both an art exhibit
and a children’s book will be
sparked for me.
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