La Yoga - January December 2018-January 2019

(Marcin) #1

ness, thus programming our subconscious minds
and our realities accordingly. This program-
ming bleeds over into other realms of our lives,
strengthening the neural networks in our brains
that have us victimizing ourselves to countless
other situations and circumstances.
So, it’s not that Sadie “can’t afford” the reishi
spore tonic, it’s just that she’s choosing not to
spend her money this way in this moment. This
reframe allows Sadie to take control of her life
and her choices, and to make decisions from a
place of sovereign authority instead of lack.
Some Quantum Languaging upgrades that re-
flect (and thus program) this orientation include:
That’s not the wisest use of my abundance, or
I’m not budgeted for that right now, or simply
I’m gonna pass, thank. Sadie is confident in her
choices, and feels no need to justify them to
anyone, because she is an autonomous adult,
and an empowered one, at that.

  1. Unlimited/Limitless
    Limitless and unlimited are words anchored in
    the very limitation they claim to be free of. And
    thus, they do little to actually align us with the
    frequencies of every moment access to every
    potentiality that ever was or will be, which –
    when we really break it down – is what those
    words are attempting to communicate.
    If I’m a coach claiming to support folks in
    realizing their unlimited potential, I’ve pretty
    much squelched said potential before I’ve
    even had a chance to help anyone actualize it,
    because I’ve just stapled it to the word “limit,”
    thereby invoking all the limitation frequencies
    the word necessarily activates.
    You see, the subconscious mind is super
    literal, and not at all attuned to nuance or
    subtlety. It doesn’t connect to the “un” in
    unlimited, or the “less” in limitless. It merely
    latches onto the “limit” that anchors both
    words and thus organizes reality accordingly.
    The same applies to experiences like effort-
    less or fearless - both of which are infinitely
    better stated in their positive polarities: easy
    and courageous.
    As for limitless and unlimited, I have taken it
    upon myself to contribute to our ever-evolving
    collective lexicon in creating a handy-dandy
    new word: omniscopic. This bitchin’ adjective
    means – wait for it - every moment access to
    every potentiality that ever was or will be. Use
    it in place of limitless and unlimited, and watch
    your world expand accordingly.
    Shift your words, shift your world, my
    friends. Now, let’s get to making the world
    more wonderful with every word we use.

Dani Katz is the author of The New P. Handbook Vol.
1: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change. Read this
essential component to every visionary changemaker’s
transformational toolkit, and get to upleveling your
reality with your every word:

Free download pdf