La Yoga - January December 2018-January 2019

(Marcin) #1


The Chakra System describes vortices of energy that are housed in the subtle body. They affect

various aspects of our physiology, state of mind, and our way of being in the world. While we have

many active chakras, the yogic teachings talk about seven primary energy centers that are arranged

along the spine. These 7 points are associated with colors, energetic qualities, and more. Crystals,

stones, and other types of jewelry can impact the energies of the chakras. We selected an array of

wearable pieces to help you tap into that energy.

Adorning the 7 Chakras

1st Chakra

2nd Chakra

3rd Chakra

4th Chakra

5th Chakra
6th Chakra
Free download pdf