
(Barré) #1


by Dani Katz

small bites:

The Art of Digesting The Gene Keys


s a wide-eyed, frothy-faced Gene Keys
devotee for almost a decade, you’d
think a simple question like: What are
the Gene Keys? wouldn’t stymie me as much
as it does.
You’d think.
Inhale...exhale...repeat. Here goes...
For starters, it’s a book. A really (really) big
As well, it’s “a living energetic field that
exists at all times inside you,” and by you, the
author means every single human incarnate.
And by living energetic field, he means an
intelligent transmission that has this weird,
wonderful, and thoroughly mystifying habit of
reorganizing reality to confirm its teachings.
It’s also a terma, a Tibetan word that refers
to the “treasures,” which the Buddha planted
in the causal plane when he reincarnated as a
Tibetan shaman named Padmasambhava.
Apparently, this was a thing among the
Tibetan shamans: hiding termas in various
layers of the collective field of consciousness
for folks to find during times of great planetary
transformation (aka: now).
But, at its most fundamental level, and for
our intents and purposes, The Gene Keys is a
book. A super, very wonderful book, pains-
takingly written by a sweet, humble genius
named Richard Rudd.
It operates on a lot of levels, this book.
For starters, it delineates how information
in each of the sixty-four codons found in
human DNA are pathways to enlighten-
ment. Each of these is embedded with its
own frequency, a frequency that falls under
the following three categories: Shadow, Gift,
and Siddhi (full embodiment and spiritual
realization). The Keys enumerated in the
codons serve as a kind of map that guides the
reader to transmute her Shadows into Gifts.
This transformation allows us to live joyful,
meaningful, open-hearted lives, reflective of
our own authentic, individual genius; and to
then – dare to dream – integrate and embody
the Truth of real-deal spiritual realization by
way of the Siddhis.
The Gene Keys is also an exhaustive synthe-
sis of every mystical, spiritual and metaphysi-
cal teaching and tradition. It is a word nerd’s
dream, given all that capital T-Truth pulsing
through every stunningly crafted sentence, and
each perfectly placed word, not to mention all
the spaces in between.

The book clocks in at over 500 dense pages,
rendering The Gene Keys the polar opposite
of what anyone would consider a light read.
The first time The Gene Keys came upon
my radar, a shaman – the Australian varietal –
read me a passage from the 53rd Gene Key. In
this Key, Rudd defines the Shadow of Imma-
turity as “an aspect of the whole that does not
yet realize that it is the whole.” He goes on to
explain that much “like a young child, human-
ity is an organism that is too self-obsessed to
be aware of the consequences of its actions.”
While my brain was dazzled by the rel-
evance, given how closely the passage spoke to
an article I was researching at the time, every
cell in my body started freaking out.
That! That!!!, THEY ALL YELLED. Read
that! Get that! THAT BOOK!! Ohmygo-
dohmygodohmygod. MUST. READ. THAT.
Rudd describes his masterpiece as “a wild
wisdom, rather than a systematic, logical
process...the Gene Keys are more about
dismantling concepts rather than adding any
new ones.”
As such, there is no practice, no technique,
no prescribed approach. Except contemplation.
They’re dense, these Gene Keys. And so it is
that the brain wants to chew on them. Yearns
to mull, and gnaw, and obsess on all the nu-
ance and paradox and Mystery - to crack the

codes, shatter our illusions of separation, and
dissolve into the bliss of infinite Oneness.
As if.
Aside from the fact that the 30th Shadow
of Desire has this annoying tendency of driv-
ing people insane, compulsive pondering isn’t
an effective strategy because, as Rudd writes,
“The Gene Keys are a transmission beyond
words...” and thus, “...will not yield their
secrets to an intellectual grasping mind.”
The Gene Keys don’t respond well to ac-
tive pursuit, to overly eager cognitive minds
clawing for divine sustenance. There’s only
so much concentrated intellectual mulling the
Keys will tolerate before the right brain gives
up, and taps out – dazed, perplexed, and
supremely frustrated with its inability to hack
the codes. It may take several lifetimes to
even begin to make integrated Siddhic sense
of the concepts.
At the same time, merely meditating on their
essence doesn’t quite cut it either. Given the
many layers of multidimensional metaphysi-
cal coding illuminated in the tome, one has to
work for the treasures hidden in the Keys. We
do this by directing our attention their way,
and by mindfully musing upon the macro-
cosmic meaning our gentle gaze allows us to
ingest. We do this by way of contemplation.
I nabbed my own copy of The Gene Keys
almost a decade ago. Though it is hands-
down my favoritest ever book - dog-eared,
highlighted, and ridiculously marked up –
I haven’t even come close to finishing it. It’s
rare that I make it through an entire Key in a
single sitting, prone as I am to stuffing myself
to capacity after just a few paragraphs, or –
very often – a single sentence; thus putting
the book aside so that I can digest and as-
similate the far-reaching wonderfulness I’ve
just swallowed, and let the Keys have their
way with my heart, soul, mind and reality
before I muster up the courage, the stamina
and the fractal brain-belly space to dive back
in for more.
Some books are meant to be devoured, and
others are meant to be savored. The Gene
Keys is the latter, and then some.

For more information about The Gene Keys, visit:
Dani Katz is an LA-based writer, artist and Quan-
tum Languaging coach/consultant. Also, a recovering
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