
(Barré) #1

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2018 Doshi Family
Bridgebuilder Award
Recipient Sadhguru
Sadhguru, founder of the global nonprofit Isha
Foundation, is one of India’s most influen-
tial people, as well as a best-selling author, a
sought-after speaker, and an active environ-
mentalist. He and millions of volunteers have
implemented literally groundbreaking work
planting millions of trees as part of soil reme-
diation and water quality initiatives. The ISHA
Foundation’s commitment to ecology runs deep

Kimberly Snyder’s
Solluna Available at
the Four Seasons
Nutritionist, best-selling author, and food alchemist
Kimberly Snyder has launched Solluna Lifestyle Brand.
The Solluna organic cold-pressed juices and smoothies
are now available at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles
at Beverly Hills. Her signature blend, the Glowing Green
Smoothie, blends nutrient-rich greens kale, spinach, and
celery with sweet and nourishing and fiber-rich apple,
pear, banana, and lemon. Other faves include Feel Alive
(also with greens, apple, and lemon). If you want your
juice with a kick, look for some signature cocktails made
with a base of Solluna juice. Read more on:

#MidtermsMatter –Amy V. Dewhurst
I asked champions of industry, politics, and environmental-
ism about the upcoming midterm elections, and why every vote

What does it mean to be an informed citizen?
“Climate Change presents the most serious existential risk fac-
ing humanity and life-as-we-know-it. Being an informed citizen
means to understand the serious nature of greenhouse gasses
warming the Earth’s atmosphere, acidifying oceans, and forcing floods, droughts, and superstorms
with increasing intensity and frequency. We are now past the point of mitigation and have reached
adaptation and resilience. Community-supported agriculture, distributed energy, circular economies,
and localized systems are how we empower the people to create a better world for their children
and future generations. Vote for a renewable, sustainable, and energy-efficient future.
Chip Comins, Chairman & CEO
American Renewable Energy Institute | President, American Spirit Productions | Founder AREDAY

What are you teaching your children about American politics right now?
I am teaching my kids that we cannot take democracy, freedom, and the rule of law for granted.
We need to be actively engaged citizens to safeguard these important values and aspects of America.
I am also teaching my kids that, as much as we disagree with someone else, we need to work hard
to listen and to forge common ground and not to attribute evil intent to someone we disagree with.
And at the same time, we have to demand kindness and civility from others. We should not allow
any politician to divide us or to normalize bullying or indecency. We need to demand from ourselves
and everyone else respect, decency, kindness, and the basic skills of empathy and civility that form
the foundation of our country—and that are the secret of our greatness as a nation.
Daniel Lubetzky, Founder & CEO, KIND
Read more of Amy’s interviews on:

Notorious RBG
The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsberg
On View through March, 2019 at the
Skirball Cultural Center
2701 N Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles
This year marks Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s 25th
year on the US Supreme Court. RBG’s work
]\ethic, lifelong teamwork, and commitment
to the legal profession, are only a few reasons
that this long-serving justice has become a
cultural icon. The Skirball’s interactive and
thoughtful retrospective is based on the New
York Times best-selling book. It offers a
glimpse into RBG’s influences and teachers,
her personal and home life, and her ground-
breaking commentary on the court. Visitors
can hear recordings of her arguments and
discussions that provide a context into the
importance in everyday life for people who
aren’t legal scholars. And in an installation
designed to encourage our aspirations, there
are a set of robes and a set up of the bench
for people to photograph themselves if not in
her shoes, then cloaked in the uniform of her
position. Go see the exhibit to appreciate the
ongoing legacy of the Notorious RBG. Read
more about the exhibit on:

and is an integral part of the spiritual teachings.
For this wide-ranging and influential work,
Sadhguru was awarded the 2018 Doshi Family
Bridgebuilder Award at Loyola Marymount
University in October. Navin and Pratima
Doshi and Professor Christopher Chapple
presented the award. As part of the ceremony,
Sadhguru discussed the Isha Foundation’s work
with author, strategist, and CEO of The Leon-
ardo DiCaprio Foundation Terry Tamminen.
Read more on:
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