
(John Hannent) #1







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Silberfein swoops through the kitchen,
to taste-test tonight’s dinner. “Not too bad.
Remembah - five plates without onions and
garlic, 10 plates without dairy, and keep
chanting ya mantra. Our minds should always
be on God.” The young chef nods, appreciat-
ing the attention and instruction. En route to
the shower, Sridhar pokes his head into the
production office where he inquires about
ticket sales, airplane flights, and the annual
last-minute artist asks. “Yeah, and how many
meal tickets they get outta ya?” The new
coordinator freezes. Before she has figured out
Sridhar is psychic, he is freshly showered, and
hollering for everyone to join him on the back
porch of his home, built for this very occasion.
The oppressive heat gives way to the cool
calm of faintly sparkling stars. Wild coyotes
howl in the distance, as a jackrabbit jumps
onto someone’s cactus-punctured flip-flop.
The sound of bells inside the backyard
temple-space ceases as everyone scurries
around the table into a circle. A burner on the
build crew, still covered in Playa-dust, grabs
the hand of the vendor-gal, who just flew in
from New York. A young musician who has
recently become enraptured with the Hindu
god Krishna, helps the head of registration
adjust her suckling newborn, so she can hold
the hand of the old-salty-dog stage manager
from the Pacific Northwest. His other arm
is wrapped around a 20-something kid with
sunstroke who despite being warned, didn’t
drink his gallon of water that day. The kid
locks elbows with the former rock-star wife
who utilizes her extensive knowledge of
backstage protocol to run the green room.
Her manicured nails are a juxtaposition to the
rough hand she holds of the single dad just
out of county looking for a second chance.
He’s gratefully gripped by the Colorado River
rafting guide who has never been to anything
like this before and wonders how she got
sucked into it anyway. Her silent inquiry is in-
terrupted by Sridhar singing the meal prayer.

The Bhojana Mantra /
Om Brahmarpanam Brahma Havir
Bhramagnau Brahmana Hutam /
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam /
Brahmakarma Samadhinah.
This moment is never lost on me.
Friends of 40+ years, hand-in-hand with
those who have just met that day. All inextri-
cably linked through service, karma, and the
fire of this revolutionary man.
In his youth, Steven Silberfein showed a
natural propensity towards spiritual studies.
After graduating from CW Post University in
Long Island, his aunt recommended he meet
a teacher in New York City, referred to as
“Rudi.” In a shanty studio space, where Rudi


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