
(John Hannent) #1


6 Simple Keys to Happiness

Techniques for living a spiritually-connected and purpose-filled life

By Deirdre Hade


hese energetic Keys will give you
simple, easy, and quick access points to
opening the gates to the inner reservoir
of your strength, resilience, love, and harmony.
Why are the 6 Simple Keys so important?
The rapidly changing culture of our times is
pushing us into deeper states of anxiety and
depression. More than ever, you need to know
how to reconnect with the home base within
you, the place where you feel secure, steady,
resilient, wise and calm. How you heal is by
reconnecting to your heart’s values and vir-
tues as a spiritual being. To attain these goals
you need calm. You need this home base, the
central pillar, which is the psychological core
of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to ef-
fectively manage today’s level of stress. When
everything around you is fractured, you need
a resting place of wholeness within.
The 6 Simple Keys to Living a Spiritu-
ally Connected and Purpose-Filled Life are
an easy method for you to lead a joyful and
happy life, no matter what is happening in the
outside world.

Key 1 - The Silent Watcher
The Silent Watcher is the observer, the place
of higher consciousness within you. The Silent
Watcher is always observing your thoughts,
feelings, and actions from a non-judgmental,
neutral place. Think about how you go about
your day and how often you have a judg-
mental thought about yourself or another
person or an unpleasant experience. Imagine
what would happen if you had a place within
yourself from which you could observe with
greater non-attachment—a perspective from
which you could access a wisdom that is
beyond your opinions, judgements, and beliefs
within a particular moment. With the Silent
Watcher, it is possible for you to open to new
experiences and understandings that will bring
you peace, forgiveness, and inner harmony.
This is why the Silent Watcher is your first
Key. It is the neutral place for you to create
from, free from the patterns and old belief
systems that have created obstacles and hin-
derances to creating the life you want. From
the neutral place of the Silent Watcher you

are free to create your life, your purpose, your
heart’s desire. You get to choose your reac-
tions and your decisions based on a deeper
awareness of wisdom.

Key 2 - Finding Your Core Value
Your core value is the virtue that you live
your life by. It is the energy, the principle, the
ideal that you build your life around. Your
core value is your home base, the central
pillar where you go to ground yourself, come
back to center, and clarify your sense of well-
being. Examples of core values are love, truth,
justice, compassion, loving kindness, inner
strength, and creating beauty. These are just a
few. Your core value is the divine purpose of
your soul’s calling.
Many people have lost connection with their
core value, finding themselves unhappy in work,
relationships, purpose, and with life. Reconnect
to your core value and you will be infused with
an enormous presence of energy, a life force that
will breathe new life into your ability to clear
away obstacles, hindrances, and fears. Your
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