
(John Hannent) #1

core value is the rocket fuel for creating and
building the life you desire. Your core value
is the foundation of your soul’s purpose. It is
the messenger of wisdom, intuition, guidance,
forbearance, resilience, health, and love. When
you are consciously connected to your core
value, you are automatically connected to the
Divine Source, the powerhouse of transforma-
tive and healing energy.

Key 3 — Living in the Present Moment
What does it mean to live in the present mo-
ment? Living in the present moment is when
you’re fully focused, engaged, connected, and
present with the person you’re in conversation
with, the place you’re at, whatever is right in
front of you. You are right here, right now,
with 100 percent of yourself.
When you are living in the present moment,
you are aware of your Silent Watcher and your
Silent Watcher is fully engaged. You’re in a
neutral place observing whatever your thoughts
and feelings are without judgement. When
you’re in the present moment, you are fully
experiencing life from your core value. In these
moments, you are connecting, in truth, with the
person, place, or thing that you’re with.
When your thoughts wander (because they
will) into the future, your laundry list, what
calamity could be around the corner, the
email you forgot to answer, or that guy that
cut you off on the freeway yesterday, Key #3
is to bring your mind back to your core value,
observing from the Silent Watcher. This will
automatically enable you to re-engage the
present moment. It is that simple.
Live in the present moment! It’s fun! It’s
bliss! And it’s where the joy juice is found.
Living in the present moment is like dessert
all at once.

Key 4 - Integrity, Love, and Right Action
Integrity is when you are in alignment with
your core value. The Silent Watcher is your
guide for staying in integrity with yourself and
your world. Live in the present moment and
Key #4—integrity, love, and right action—
becomes an effortless wisdom.
Love is an energetic frequency I call
Radiance. You have a unique Radiance that
emanates from your soul. Become aware that
when you are rooted in your core value, this
state of love (your Radiance) guides you in
choosing the right course, the correct decision
needed for any situation. This is right action.
Taking right action in any given situation
creates truth, connection, purpose, and heal-
ing. Right Action means hitting the mark. It is
shooting your arrow of intention and purpose
and hitting the bullseye. Right Action gives
you the power to manifest.
Here’s a little personal story of how the

first 4 Keys recently changed my day.
I was supposed to be at a meeting at five
in the morning and then catch a plane right
afterwards. At a quarter to five the meeting
was cancelled. Having gotten up so early for
the meeting, I was really upset and grumpy
driving to the airport later with my husband.
Finally, I realized what I was doing and said,
“Let’s use the Keys to change our bad mood.”
We both activated the Silent Watcher, and
I started observing my feelings. I’m angry
and tired and I’m hungry because I haven’t
eaten. I simply observed these thoughts with
no judgment. Then I activated my core value,
which is to love no matter what. Immediately
I started loving my anger, resentment, and
hunger. And those feelings just vanished. It
was magic!
At the airport I continued practicing loving
no matter what, deep in the integrity of my
true self, and I started to feel this profound
love for everyone and everything around me.
Following a prompting from an inner voice,
I started reaching out to touch and greet
people as if they were long-lost friends. And
everybody started lighting up! I started feeling
all this love coming back to me. People were
saying, “How are you?” and starting con-
versations—even the security guards and the
people at TSA. When I stopped putting my
hand out and going up to people, everybody
started coming up to me saying things like, “I
like your dress. Those are great shoes. How
are you?” Because I was fully present, sud-
denly everybody started “seeing” me.
It was so simple and so easy. Truthfully, it
blew the socks off my husband and me. We
said, “This is magic. These are powerful Keys.
If everyone did this, think of the world we
could create together.”

Key 5 - Living in Service
Service is any act of goodness, kindness,
compassion, or understanding that comes
from your core value. Service is when you are
taking right action from the integrity of your
unique Radiance. When love and the Silent
Watcher are activated from the central pillar
of who you are, all right action becomes a
service of love, wisdom, and truth.
Look for ways to give service in your com-
munity, with friends, or strangers. When you
give of yourself, when you share your Radi-
ance through action, you free yourself from
the limitations and constraints of your ego
mind. This is living in the present moment.

Key 6 - Living in Bliss
Bliss is an experience of being fully connected
with a greater reality of life. Bliss is a subtle
energy field of joy. Here the subtitle is, “I ac-
cept! Everything is perfect just the way it is!”

Bliss is the internal experience of, “I have the
strength and the Keys to persevere through
the challenges I meet with grace, forbearance,
and calm.”
Your body, mind, and spirit already know
how to access the nurturing qualities of plea-
sure, the healing and regenerative properties
of your soul’s light, and the soothing, calming
waves of divine bliss.
Bliss occurs whenever we have a moment
of true connection with love, be it with a part-
ner, a friend, child, tree, dog, or a magnificent
work of art. From the place of the Silent
Watcher, begin to take notice of how many
times a day you have a moment of bliss, but
then are immediately pulled out of it. Take
a small pad and a pen and write down how
many moments of bliss you have in a day, in a
week, and you will be surprised.

Here is a simple activation to ignite
your inner bliss:

  1. Close your eyes and gently watch the
    inhale and exhale of your breath from
    your Silent Watcher.

  2. Imagine in your belly a golden orb of
    light, like the sun. In the center of this
    orb is inscribed your core value.

  3. Imagine this light, which is love,
    expanding to fill all your organs, from
    your shoulders, knees, down to your
    feet, out your hands, up into your head,
    expanding around you until you are
    inside an envelope of golden white light.

  4. Repeat this mantra: I am bliss. I am
    golden light. I am (say your core value)
    of love. I deserve bliss. I fully receive
    this presence of bliss. I am whole and
    in unity with all of creation.

Life is like a rainbow. There are many
colors and many experiences. Each experience
is an opportunity for you to uncover
the hidden treasures of your own innate
wisdom. These 6 Simple Keys are a distilla-
tion from the ancient mystical traditions in an
easy-to-use format for our modern sensibility.
No matter what hardships, stress, or anxiety
you’re dealing with, these Keys will give you
the foundation necessary to soar above the
everyday traps of despair and dissolution.
Play with these Keys. Have fun and enjoy
the ride of this truly remarkable, incredible
human experience of life!

Read this article online on LAYOGA.COM to
view the entire video series on the 6 Simple Keys,
experience the Radiance meditations, and dig deeper
into the knowledge of how to use each Key to
transform your life.
Deirdre Hade is a mystic, motivational speaker,
author, and spiritual teacher:
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