
(John Hannent) #1

astrology september



Throughout our lives, we are being asked to live our purpose and to connect with our integrity.

These are particularly meaningful themes now. Commit to your meditation practice for clarity and
mental peace, share your life with others in a spirit of generosity, and see the spiritual in the worldly.

September 2-3
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, making this
a good time to connect with your family
and friends and to engage in experiences
that bring happiness. Sometimes, we are
pursuing happiness because we are search-
ing for peace. Taurus is a sign that supports
our ability to feel satisfied with the simple
pleasures. But we have to keep in mind the
goal of mental peace. This is achieved by
meditation and stilling the mind.

September 4-5
The Moon is in Gemini, aspected by Jupiter
and Saturn, making this a powerful time for
exploring new and interesting ways of doing
things in everyday life. Gemini is a sign of
exploring new interests and communicating
about interesting ideas. The dual aspects of
Jupiter and Saturn bring seriousness and fo-
cus (Saturn) as well as inspiration (Jupiter) to
those explorations, interests, and ideas. This
is a great time for higher study and learning.

September 9
Today we have the New Moon in Leo,
which begins a 30-day cycle related to
personal power and sharing our inner light
in the highest and brightest way. This often
translates to illuminating our business and
career. But it can also reveal the impact we
make in our family and community. Use
your power wisely. A good ruler shares their
power with the kingdom; they don’t rob
from their citizens. The same is true in your
family, career, and other places in your life
in which you feel empowered.

This New Moon takes place in Purva Phal-
guni Nakshatra, ruled by the god of delight.
Nothing feels better than to share your life
with others in a spirit of generosity. Beware
of getting caught up in laziness and indul-
gence at this time.

September 12-13
The Moon is in Libra with Venus and
Jupiter, making this a good time for cultivat-
ing relationships and connecting them to a

higher purpose. Be cautious of the inner
conflict between that larger, higher purpose
of Jupiter and feeling that your desires and
happiness are connected to other people. Is
your relationship taking away from your
spiritual growth? Many times this is the
case. Try to see the spiritual in the worldly.

September 17-18
The Moon is in Sagittarius with Saturn,
bringing a mixture of focus and commitment
(Saturn) with a higher purpose and goal
(Sagittarius). We are all looking for a higher
purpose to focus and commit to now. Today
you may feel the pressure of this purpose,
so take some time to develop clarity around
your level of integrity. Are you walking the
talk? Or are you more of a preacher than a

September 19-21
The Moon is in Capricorn with Mars and
Ketu, revealing emotional intensity and
power. It may be difficult to sit with that
power without blowing up and projecting
negative emotions on others. Look up in the
sky tonight and see that bright Moon next
to a bright Mars. The sign of Capricorn is
where we face our emotional fears and sit
with them in stillness. And the influence of
Ketu reveals the hidden, mystical power at
your disposal.

September 22-23
The Moon is in Aquarius aspected by Saturn
and Jupiter, putting a strong focus on social
causes and larger themes. Your individuality
will feel less important than being of service.
Saturn aspecting the Moon brings humility
and a sense of duty. Jupiter affecting the

Moon brings inspiration toward a higher
purpose. Serve your tribe today, but also
remember to build bridges to other tribes.

September 24
Today the Moon is full in Pisces, making this
one of the most mystical days of the year. Pi-
sces is the sign of metaphysics and mysticism,
so you may feel like you are living in between
worlds. This aspect supports creativity, devo-
tion, and meditation. But now may also be a
time of increased escapism and fantasizing.
Be careful with the temptation to overindulge
in drugs, alcohol, or other kinds of substances
today. Instead, pay attention to the messages
that are coming through in your dreams.
This Full Moon in Pisces can harmonize the
tangible, earthly qualities of Virgo – which
bridges the practical and the mystical.

This Full Moon is in Uttara Bhadra Naksha-
tra, ruled by Ahi Bhudnya, the serpent of the
deep. This serpent goes down into the holes
in our mind and soul and extracts the poi-
son, transforming it into nectar. Lord Shiva
worship is powerful today.

September 27-28
The Moon is in Aries aspected by Jupiter and
Venus. There is a fiery individuality, mixed
with the desire to compromise and search
for higher meaning. At this time, we may be
projecting a lot onto our partners. Venus is
very powerful in Libra, supporting greater
diplomacy and compromise. Along with
Jupiter, there’s a quest for higher meaning in
all relationships, personal and cultural. This
may lead to some inner conflict between self
and other. Use practice to navigate the search
for living a life of meaning.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology and The Ascen-
dant—108 Planets of Vedic Astrology. He is the founder of the American Academy
of Vedic Art and Science, which offers three levels of certification programs in Vedic
Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled. Visit Sam’s
website at:
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