
(Dana P.) #1

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  1. Increase Awareness of Your Feet
    Stand in mountain pose with your eyes closed
    and observe where the effort of your feet is felt.
    Shift all the effort into the balls of the feet, then
    back into the heels, then over to the left side
    of your feet, and over to the right side of your
    feet. Shift from the inside edges of your feet to
    the outside edges of the feet and back again.
    Then, bring your awareness and effort so that
    it evenly distributed from front to back and
    side to side of each foot and both feet.

  2. Build Ankle Strength
    While you are sitting in staff pose (dandasana)
    or even in a chair, dorsiflex the feet by pulling
    your toes toward your knees. Then plantarflex
    the feet by pointing your toes away from the
    body. Invert the feet by drawing the soles of
    the feet to-ward each other. Then evert the feet
    by pressing the soles of feet away from each
    other. Do three to five rounds of this practice.

  3. Boost Your Balance
    Any standing balance will do here, but I prefer
    to stick with a simple tree pose. Shift the effort
    of the body onto one foot, and create a kick-
    stand with the opposite foot. (Like a tree pose
    with the toes on the ground). Create a strong
    foundation by distributing the effort evenly from
    front to back and side to side in the standing
    foot. And then begin to lift the opposite foot to
    a comfortable place on the stand-ing leg (above
    or below the knee). During this pose, embrace
    the wobble and the movement from side to
    side in the ankle! This movement in the joint is
    actually strengthening the muscles and creating
    a supple responsiveness. Switch sides.

  4. Increase Your Dexterity
    While In mountain pose, establish a strong
    foundation in your feet. Press your toes
    strongly into the floor. Then lift all the toes
    away from the floor, creating a strong arch in
    the feet. Relax the toes. Press the big toe and
    pinky toe into the floor simultaneously while
    lifting the middle three toes. Switch feet.
    These practices serve us well in our daily
    activities and strengthen our ability to maintain
    balance in our feet—and in all areas of our lives.

Jenn Tarrant is a Yoga Therapist and Yoga Teacher,
Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, and YogaFit Senior Master

Attention on our feet

helps us develop

better balance.

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