
(Dana P.) #1




April 1-2
The Moon and retrograde Jupiter will be in
Libra today. So you may experience some
big emotions and feelings, especially in your
relationships. Try not to exaggerate the
feeling of being disrespected. It’s entirely
possible that you could blow that out of
proportion and get all principled. Instead,
this time supports reflecting on your teach-
ings and your higher life lessons, especially
as they relate to the adult interactions in
your life. How well are you able to compro-
mise with others?

April 1-5
Mars and Saturn are closely joined in Sagit-
tarius. This can be dangerous and explosive.
On the global scale, we could see military
action. On a personal level, a similar energy
is prevalent. Be careful about blowing things
up in your life, based on idealism and your
fanatical beliefs. This aspect offers a great
opportunity for spiritual growth and putting
your teachings into practice. Mars brings
discipline while Saturn brings focus and
commitment. Together, these two qualities
can move you forward quickly. In the energy
of Sagittarius, you can align with higher
purpose and meaning. It’s good to walk the
talk now.

April 6-7
The Moon joins Mars and Saturn in Sagit-
tarius, which brings all of that aforemen-
tioned explosiveness/discipline into the
mind and heart. On a personal level, you
may feel irritated and fired up about things
that are just not right. This is a good time
to make positive change. Work hard for the
things you are ready to stand up for or stand
against. But you have to be careful about
being impetuous and destroying structures
too quickly.

April 15
There will be a New Moon in Aries today,
which begins a 30-day cycle of courage,
exploration and personal dynamism. These
30 days support your ability to live without
bounds.You are ready to make a difference
in the way that only you can. However, you
want to be careful not to be too pushy or ag-
gressive. Patience is key, as you learn to share
your power and enthusiasm with others.

This New Moon happens in Ashwini
Nakshatra, which has to do with the twin
horses. These twin deities awaken energy
and enthusiasm. They are related to the life
force (prana) that moves through our mind
and body.

April 15
Mercury turns direct in Pisces today, after
being retrograde since March 22. The last
several weeks have supported more reflection
and introspection. When Mercury was in ret-
rograde, if you took the time to slow down,
contemplate your words, and become more
organized, now will be a good time to move
forward again with confidence and improve
situations that were not working.

April 18-19
Both the Sun and Moon are exalted now.
Each year, these two powerful days are
supreme for manifesting and beginning new
projects. Now is an auspicious time to make
important purchases, or perhaps invest in
new equipment or businesses. But in general,
these are also excellent days for growth and

developing the only true wealth there is: spir-
itual awareness. The courage of the exalted
Sun in connection of the exalted Moon also
work together to align both the masculine
and feminine.

April 20-21
The Moon is in Gemini, aspected by Saturn
and Mars in Sagittarius. This supports a rest-
less mind with a lot of curiosity. At the same
time, the aspects from Saturn and Mars may
bring some agitation. This extra stimulation
and stress could also lead to miscommunica-
tion and arguments. Yet this restless curiosity
could also help reveal the source of your
inspiration. This is especially good for teach-
ers, researchers, and other seekers.

April 29
There is a Full Moon in Libra. This Full
Moon is opposite the Sun in Aries. We’ve
been in this Aries cycle for a couple weeks
now. And this Full Moon harmonizes the in-
dividuality of Aries with the cooperation and
consensus-building of Libra. In order to fully
realize your potential as an individual, you
must learn to harmonize with others and get
along with them. Now is an excellent time to
learn that lesson.

This Full Moon happens in Swati Nakshatra,
which is related to service. The deity of this
Nakshatra is Lord Hanuman, a powerful
devotee of Lord Rama. He is also symbolic
of the power of the breath and prana. Today
is a good day for yoga and spiritual practices.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology and The Ascen-
dant—108 Planets of Vedic Astrology. He is the founder of the American Academy
of Vedic Art and Science, which offers three levels of certification programs in Vedic
Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled. Visit Sam’s
website at:

April begins with some intense aspects that can amplify explosive feelings. Channel this energy to

walk the talk with a higher purpose. On the New Moon, we begin a 30-day cycle that awakens prana

(life force). Since Mercury turns direct on April 15, take time to process what no longer works so

you can move forward with clarity. When the Sun and Moon are exalted on April 18 and 19 use this

powerful energy to launch new projects and invest in your spiritual awareness. The month culminates

with a Full Moon that supports service, practice, and learning to cultivate harmony.

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