
(Jacob Rumans) #1
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Monica uses it at least five days a week,
complementing it with alternate forms of medi-
tation such as walking. “Before meditation I
was always yearning to find more peace in life.
I didn’t know that I was stressed, but the idea
of being more at peace always appealed to me.
Meditation has helped me recognize stress and
deal with it much more effectively than having
it deal with me!”

Own Your Own Mind
“If you want to know your own mind, there is
only one way: to observe and recognize every-
thing about it,” instructed Thich Nhat Hanh in
his 1975 book The Miracle of Mindfulness. To
do so, he added, “You don’t have to sit beneath
a special tree in a distant land.”
“Meditation is neither shutting things out nor
off. It is seeing things clearly, and deliberately
positioning yourself differently in relationship to
them,” wrote Jon Kabat-Zinn in his 1994 classic
Wherever You Go, There You Are.
According to author and Spirit Rock Medita-
tion Dharma Teacher James Baraz, “In the
moment that you’re mindful, there is a spacious-
ness in the mind. In that consistent willingness
to come back and to be here (and to want
to be here), mindfulness develops in its own
natural unfolding.” While the practice’s look
has perhaps been scrambled in the hand off to
our digital culture, its intention of establishing
some clarity of heart, mind, and consciousness
remains intact. Rabbi Lau-Lavie, Founding
Spiritual Director of Lab Shul in New York,
recently described his daily mediation simply as,
“Carving time to be there for the ‘me’ so I can
be there for the ‘we’.”

Keeping Calm
Sarah is an East Coast-based business owner
who somewhat new to meditation. Her rapid-
fire days are filled with sporting multiple hats
while making decisions and solving problems.
To say she punches out feeling a bit depleted
would be an understatement. She learned of the
app Calm through a newspaper article. While
meditation for her is not quite yet a non-nego-
tiable activity, she’s been pleasantly surprised
by the way she has stuck with it. For that she
credits the app’s portability and its cueing.
“Meditation calms me down and makes me
think clearer, which were both a concern
before I started using Calm. The brevity and
simplicity of a meditation app is for me really
appealing. Also, I need someone to guide me,
so that’s very effective. The ability to be mobile
in my practice is also key.”

Customizing App-Based Practices
The freedom to customize one’s mindfulness
practice certainly appears to be fueling medita-
tion’s global sweep. Rebecca, a Senior Man-

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