
(C. Jardin) #1




he relationship we have with our
mouth and oral hygiene is an
intimate one. A good dentist can be
an important part of our team of
healthcare practitioners and an essential ally
when it comes to wellness. This is especially
true if we are seeing a holistic dentist who can
offer comprehensive care in the chair, as well
as tips for daily practices to freshen our smile
and support systemic health.
Even though oral health care is an integral
part of our healthcare regimen, for some

people the fear of going to the dentist is real.
So much so that it is acknowledged as a phobia
in the DSM-V (The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders). Research studies
suggest that as much as 36% of the US popula-
tion experiences anxiety when it comes to
sitting in the dentist’s chair, and 12% have fear
so extreme that it warrants a diagnosis. While
this isn’t an article about overcoming fear, it
can be helpful to acknowledge typical anxieties
and explore coping tools so as not to miss out
on this vital part of personal health care.

Why Care about Oral Care
If the eyes are the window to the soul, the
mouth may well be the window to the body.
The state of our dental hygiene can indicate
what’s happening everywhere else. The health
of everything in our mouth impacts our
systemic health. And, what’s happening in the
rest of our body also has an impact on our
teeth and gums.
For example, the inflammation accompany-
ing conditions like gingivitis (swollen and/or
bleeding gums) can both be an indicator of

Cultivate a Healthy Smile

Advice from holistic dentists

by Felicia Tomasko RN

Free download pdf