
(Jeff_L) #1

Women’s Hygiene

A Selection of Menstrual Products

The following organic, natural, and toxin-free brands include

manufacturers and distributors of underwear, liners, pads, tampons,

cups, and discs. Cutting-edge designs include the use of body-safe

technologies that emphasize comfort, security and sustainability.

Obtaining these products is made even easier with the proliferation

of subscription services that offer home delivery. Furthermore,

companies with a social conscience are integrating ways to give

back and pay it forward around the world. Less mess. Less stress.

Less waste. More options to help not only yourself but the planet.

  1. BFF Period Undies •
    Founded by Grace SooHoo, Simple Necessit-
    EASE has been making period undies since

  2. These comfortable and fashionable
    leak-proof pairs of underwear are made with
    three layers of soft absorbent technology. The
    extra layer of protection offers a back-up to
    keep you from leaking through your clothing
    while using other feminine hygiene items. They
    provide soft (made from cotton) secure cover-
    age and peace of mind.

  3. Cora •
    Ethically sourced, organically grown cotton
    serves as the material in tampons (with and
    without applicators). You can also add organic
    cotton liners and/or body cloths to monthly
    subscriptions. The Cora Fearless Necklace is a
    statement piece that does more than look good;
    it holds a single Cora Applicator Free Tampon,
    and the purchase price provides a year of pads
    to a girl in Kenya. An 18-pack of applicator
    free tampons is also included with purchase.
    Free trials and Signature Kits are available for
    this monthly subscription service.

  4. DivaCup •
    Mother and daughter team Francine and
    Carinne Chambers designed The DivaCup to
    be reusable, comfortable, convenient to clean,
    and easy to insert and remove. It is made
    from healthcare-grade silicone and is free of
    questionable ingredients such as latex, BPA,
    phthalates, and others. Two sizes accom-
    modate women of different ages who may or
    may not have had children. DivaWash is made
    from plant-based ingredients that are safe for
    your body and for cleaning the cup.



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