
(Jeff_L) #1

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Mind-Altering Music
Exclusive for LA Yoga readers: Musician
Karen Atkins selected a few songs from her
album In My Room to accompany you dur-
ing your yoga practice! Download for free:
In My Room
has flavors of
Stevie Wonder,
The Beatles, Earth,
Wind and Fire, and
the Carpenters. It
is catchy and deep
all at once. Atkins
tuned all of the
instruments used
in her album to the
432 Hz frequency,
which is said to
be the universal
frequency that has a harmonious effect on the
brain and the heart.
Read more about Karen Atkins and her
approach to music that can actually change
your state of mind online.

get Better Sleep
with Essential Oils
on Your Feet One of
the most precious commodities for
vibrant health is a good night̓s
sleep. Although there are many
factors that affect the quality of your sleep,
consider using essential oils on the bottoms of
your feet before bedtime. Doing so can help
you drop in, unwind, and relax. Read about
six essential oils that you can use on your
feet for your personal home sleep remedy.

Yoga & the LA Marathon

What’s in your cleaning
products? The passage of the Clean-
ing Products Right to Know Act requires a
new level of transparency for makers of the
items we use to clean our homes and environ-
ment. Before this, there have been no require-
ments for manufacturers to state what’s
inside the package. Now, online listing of all
intentionally added ingredients is required by
January 1, 2020 and listing on packages by
January 1, 2021. Labels are also required to
disclose the presence of allergens.
“Pollution from the chemicals of home
cleaning products inside the home is 70%
worse than outside,” says Kelly Vlahakis-
Hanks, president and CEO of California-based
Earth Friendly Products. As one of the pioneers
in the literally Earth-friendly cleaning industry,
she knows something about the importance
of consciously choosing what we use to clean.
They’ve been part of the effort to mandate
sharing information with consumers. Read
more on

On Our Bookshelf We’re read-
ing How Healing Works by Wayne Jonas,
MD. Dr Jonas is a family physician and
research scientist who tells inspiring stories
from his 40 years of practice. A retired US
Army Lieutenant Colonel as well as a former
director of the Office of Alternative Medicine
at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jonas
shares how healing really works and how you
can call on your body’s healing potential in
and out of the doctor’s office. We also love
The Good Mood Kitchen: Simple Recipes
and Nutrition Tips for Emotional Balance by
Leslie Korn PhD, MPH. When we’re looking
for comfort food, sometimes we make choices
that may not actually be beneficial. Leslie
shares tips and tricks that even the busiest
person can use to make smarter food choices
for better mental health.


Got Milk? Ayurve-
da recognizes that there
are different body types
and each body type has
varying needs. For some
people, diets that include
dairy can be beneficial,
from an Ayurvedic
perspective. Ghee, or
clarified butter, is a huge
staple in an Ayurvedic
diet. It contains butyric
acid, which is a short-
chain fatty acid that heals
the intesti-
nal walls,
the colon,
and promotes
regular elimi-
nation pat-
terns. Ghee’s
health benefits
do not stop there! It
helps lubricate the joints to keep the body healthy and limber as we age and is also a source of
Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Whole, raw milk is an excellent source of probiotics, Omega-3 fatty
acids, vitamins and minerals. Read more online! Read more online at

Los Angeles
Group CEO
Russell speaks
about her
yoga practice.
Free download pdf