
(Greg DeLong) #1

om body

But, she says, yoga is an amazing part
of the journey to self-love. “Yoga can be an
incredible tool for building self-confidence,
letting go of past hurt and learning to move
your body in a way that feels really, really
good. I hope I get to keep lifting up women
around me.”
The ladies who took part in the photoshoot
got to wear leggings that were supplied by
Yoga Leggs and Blossom Yoga Wear, who
Varey says support body positivity in yoga
and have added to their larger sizing. She
also singles out Superfit Hero, whose tagline
is ‘Fitness is for Every Body’; the company’s
Instagram account shows body types of all
shapes and sizes in gyms and yoga classes,
working out and exercising.
In organising the photoshoot, she hopes
that she has inspired people to embrace
their bodies and believe that they deserve
to be represented. “I’ve had women tell me
that they’ve been having a bad day and then
they’ve seen some of the photos and it’s
helped. It’s lifted them up, made them feel
seen, reminded them they have a place in
this world. That is exactly why we did it.”

“After years of dieting
and not feeling good
enough, I decided
enough was enough. It’s
an ongoing journey of
course, but my own yoga
practice has really helped
me to make peace with
myself and my body.”

200hr Vinyasa Yoga

Teacher Training

with Sally Parkes BSc, SYT
[email protected]
+44 (0)7983 508018

Retreats | Teacher Training | CPD Workshops

Pregnancy Yoga

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6 day course includes:

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Now offering 4 day Childrens'
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Author of
‘The Manual of
Yoga Anatomy’

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