
(Greg DeLong) #1

om body


nline yoga is moving ever onwards and upwards.
Yogis who once dreamt of learning from world-
class teachers in the comfort of their own home can
now enjoy a myriad of classes from across multiple
platforms on their laptop, tablet or phone. Popular
online yoga providers include Movement For Modern Life, Dru Yoga,
Ekhart Yoga and OMstars.
Innovation means things never sit still in this high-tech space,
however. And yogis in the US and Canada have something pretty
awesome to look out for.
PIVOT Yoga – the instructional system that enables yogis to get in-
the-home feedback from their teachers – is working with top teacher
Briohny Smyth to develop instructional content on its platform.

PIVOT Yoga: a yoga instructional platform that puts a teacher in every home

It means yogis wearing PIVOT Yoga ‘smart’ clothing will be able to
get Smyth’s feedback delivered anytime they wish and customised
for each yogi and posture.
For example, the yogi can get into the pose and ask: “Briohny, how
does this this look?” Then Briohny, in her own voice, will respond,
in an automatic but completely customised way, making specific,
down-to-the-inch suggestions about how to improve the pose.
“Briohny is truly one of the pioneers in bringing yoga to a wider
audience,” said Joe Chamdani, head of TuringSense, intelligent
wearables pioneer and developer of PIVOT Yoga. “She’s an
extraordinary teacher and we couldn’t be more excited for her to be
reaching out through our unique platform.”
It’s all pretty incredible stuff. Who said technology was a bad thing?

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