
(Greg DeLong) #1

at Yoga Orchid Yinstitute, the institute
for further Yin Yoga Training - lead by
Regina Kerschbaumer

Are you a qualified Yoga Teacher
(200RYT) who needs new inspiration?

Gain deeper understanding and confidence to
incorporate the increasingly popular meditative
practices of Yin Yoga and Chakra meditation
into your classes.

Yin Yoga, Mindfulness,
Chakra Meditations and
Yoga Nidra

Book now for
Module 1 (50hrs)

21 - 27 April

at the exclusive
Le Pena Tarifa Villa,

100 hour further RYT for
Qualified Yoga Professionals

1st Module - 50hours:
21 - 27 April 2019
Where: Le Pena, Tarifa, Spain
Only 9 spaces left

  • Book Now!

“I am looking
forward to sharing
with you my
in-depth knowledge
and passion for
teaching the uniquely
practice of
Yin Yoga.”

Places are limited book now at
or contact Regina at [email protected]
for more details

Regina has trained under Paul Grilley (the
founder of Yin Yoga) and Sarah Powers for
the past 12 years and has over 30 years of
bodywork experience.

Yoga instructor Rebecca Shepherd, who

originally trained in Bikram, explains

what drew her to the ‘yin crowd’


n the summer of 2001, never having set foot in a hot yoga
studio, I packed my bags and headed to Los Angeles to
rendezvous with my Florida-based friend to attend the
Bikram Yoga teacher training. By some miracle I survived the
two classes a day for nine weeks and went straight to work
teaching in London’s only hot yoga studio at that time.
However, I was never really happy teaching 16- and 60-year-olds,
ballerinas and brick layers the same sequence of poses in the same
way and I intuitively taught variations for those who needed them.
Meanwhile, in the spring of 1979, a teenager called Paul Grilley
who had an innate interest in yoga walked into a bookshop and
picked up ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Intrigued, he too headed to Los Angeles studying with Bikram
Choudhury whose guru Bhishnu Ghosh was the brother of
Yogananda. He became a Kriya Yoga adept studying at the
headquarters of The Self Realisation Fellowship set up by Yogananda
in the 1920s and practiced ashtanga, hanging out with some of
the prominent teachers of the time who would be flown out to
glamorous locations to teach the likes of Sting and Madonna.
Then, one fateful day, Grilley was watching a public access
channel on TV and saw the bendiest man he’d ever seen practicing
Daoist yoga. This was Monkey Kung Fu master Paulie Zink. Grilley
discovered that he taught his discipline two hours away, so he began
attending these extended sessions in Zink’s garage.
Unlike his fellow students who just wanted to get to the Kung Fu,
Grilley was more interested in the Daoist yoga warm up and, after a
year, amicably parted ways with Zink and introduced the long, deep
stretches into his classes. It was his student Sarah Powers who
suggested naming the style ‘yin yoga’ to differentiate it from the
more active yang aspect of the practice – and so modern yin yoga
was born.
When I was handed Paul Grilley’s DVDs in 2005 it validated my
instinct that people are unique and their yoga practice needs to
reflect that. Following a repetitive injury practicing his ‘drop-backs’
into the wheel pose, Grilley delved deeper into anatomy and has
travelled the world lecturing on skeletal variation and a functional
approach to yoga.
Understandably, he and his wife and teaching partner, Suzee, no
longer travel, and now teach from their base at the beautiful Land
of Medicine Buddha retreat in the redwoods of California. This has
become a second home to me. I now offer ‘Grilley’ style teacher
trainings in Cumbria in order to uphold the ethos of the practice he
painstakingly developed.
By all means teach and practice ‘aesthetic’ yoga; strive to achieve
a specific pose whether to your detriment or not (as Grilley once
strove to achieve his drop backs) — or learn to see beneath the skin
and understand the ‘bare bones of yoga’ so that you practice and
teach in a confident, functional manner to achieve optimum health.

By Rebecca Shepherd of The Yin Crowd (

yin yoga

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