
(Greg DeLong) #1

A gentle yin sequence based on the swan series of poses. By Regina Kerschbaumer


n yin yoga we cultivate a beginner’s mind. The names of the
postures have deliberately been changed so that nobody can
say you are doing it incorrectly. It it is not about alignment, it
is about the functionality of the ‘shape’
In yin yoga we reach beyond the superficial muscle tissues
and delve deep into our joints. Tendons and ligaments are yin
tissues which are targeted and stretched to improve the flexibility of
our joints. The muscles need to be relaxed and soft when we stretch
in a yin way. Yin yoga creates space in the body and also space in
the mind – stillness.
You can create a soft fluid sequence completing the whole of

Swan Sequence

one side and then continue into a symmetrical forward bend or a
back bend – creating an intersection between the two sides - before
completing the asymmetrical postures on the other side.
Students may prefer to do the ‘perfect’ pose – sleeping swan (the
yin name for the pigeon) possibly because it feels so much deeper
and looks so much more impressive than the other versions of swan.
I always remind them it is not about the aesthetics – it is all about
the functionality.
I sometimes teach all of the swan variations in a sequence
because the target areas are so different in the back leg and this
way students can really feel the benefit in the variations.

yin yoga

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