
(Greg DeLong) #1

An expolation into the

world of Tantra Yoga,

by Advaita Stoian

o one can attain
spiritual perfection
by using sterile and
complicated methods.
On the contrary,
perfection can easily be attained through
the lucid and perfectly controlled fulfilment
of desires.” Kularnava Tantra

This is a short introduction to the spiritual
path of Tantra Yoga, in order to demystify it
and bring it a little closer to those who are
truly ready and interested.
Tantra is an ancient term which, among
other things, describes an authentic
spiritual path that is characterised by a rare
efficiency. It is a system that has recently
been brought back into the awareness of
contemporary culture; nevertheless it is
often superficially explained, constantly
leading to the same catastrophic results for
those who are interested not only in some
exotic spiritual entertainment, but in finding
some effective ways to live a happy life in
the middle of life’s storms.
The word “tantra” is a Sanskrit word
which, similarly to the word “yoga”, has
numerous distinct meanings which are all
connected. Simply put, it means “network”
or “fishing net”. Its etymology shows that
Tantra is derived from the verbal root
tan, meaning widen or extend. It is deeply
significant that the Tantra Yoga system
re-emerges today when one of the most
important ideas of human civilisation is
the conscious acknowledgement of the
interconnectedness with all its positive and
negative effects.
To define the Tantra Yoga system
in an essentialised way, we can say
that it is a system of practices that
generates a safe and effective expansion
of individual consciousness beyond
personal limitations, until reaching Cosmic
Consciousness or Oneness.
Even though it is more famous than
actually known in our modern age, Tantra
Yoga still ceaselessly incites the imagination
of those who are curious and attracts the
attention of enthusiastic practitioners who
are prepared to deepen its mysteries. What is
this irresistible fascination of Tantra all about?
We can state with certainty that Tantra
Yoga is one of the most fitting spiritual
systems for our times, when spiritual values
are most often replaced by ignorance and
by a deeply materialistic orientation. Tantra
is a specific spiritual system,which has at
its roots the same fundamental principles
on which the foundations of contemporary
science are laid, while simultaneously

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succeeding to harmoniously and coherently
integrate the highest spiritual ideals.
Tantra Yoga is also a philosophy of life in
which direct experience and awareness
always validate theory: an efficient and
transformative combination.

#1 Tantra Yoga recommends
lucidly looking into all areas of life,
gradually replacing taboos and
dogmas with understanding that
comes through direct experience.
In today’s world we are used to living a life
full of diverse experiences, aiming for a
large variety of sensorial stimuli, which are
supposed to nourish our almost insatiable
hunger for variety and novelty. This
attitude apparently leads to exteriorising
and creating conflict in the goals of our
spiritual development. Different spiritual
paths and systems often recommended
the following spiritual solution: withdrawal
from the bewildering tumult of life’s daily
experiences, enclosure behind the fortified
walls of monasteries, ashrams or spiritual
communities, and total renunciation of all
worldly temptations.
Yet this recommendation most often
becomes a utopia for contemporary people,
given the fact that most do not have the
strength of character, the willpower and
determination to make this decisive and
radical step and they also lack a deep
understanding of the benefits. Deep down
many feel that refusing to live life in its
entirety is not a complete spiritual solution.
Tantra Yoga offers a solution to this age-
old dilemma, recommending not to refuse
or deny sensorial experiences, and not to
label anything as good or bad. With proper
training, a practitioner can reach a level
where a highly lucid immersion in desires
replaces all these dogmas and limiting
mental constructs. By training lucidity and
awareness, Tantra Yoga leads directly to
the state of freedom, without the need for
intermediary dogmas that will eventually
have to be eliminated after they have
fulfilled their role. The role of awareness in
the formation of our reality is an essential
factor and the Tantra Yoga system offers
the necessary tools to amplify our individual
power of awareness.
At this point it is worth emphasising the
astounding correlation between the ancient
Tantra Yoga system and modern physics,
especially quantum physics. The presence
of consciousness in determining the
unfolding of any phenomenon is becoming a
fundamental crossroads between these two
systems of human knowledge.
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