
(Greg DeLong) #1

om spirit om spirit

#2 At the heart of Tantra Yoga
lies the fundamental universal
energy: love
The entire system of techniques and
methods offered by Tantra Yoga are based
on the law of occult resonance and on the
revelation that the entire Creation is made of
vibration or spanda.
The Tantra Yoga system explains that the
energy of love is a constant and extremely
refined vibration, which is always the
same in time or in space, and which exists
everywhere in the macrocosm. It is the
energy that “binds” the whole Creation, also
making a connection between the Creator
and His Creation. The ancient Tantra Yoga
science reveals that love is one of the
fundamental universal energies, which is why
it is found in the core of the entire Creation.
From the tantric perspective the very
essence of interconnectedness is the law
of occult resonance and the energy of love.
All techniques and methods of evolution
offered by Tantra Yoga are based on the
awakening of the sublime energy of love, (in
a specific way) and integrating it into your
life. For the aspirant who follows the Tantra
Yoga path with lucid care, the energy of love
becomes the guiding thread which helps you
to escape from the labyrinth of the mind
and return to the essence of yourself, in the
secret chamber of the Spiritual Heart.
The Tantra Yoga practitioner learns
to control the mind through training and
liberating the Spiritual Heart by actively
loving. All inferior temptations can therefore
be easily transcended.

#3 Tantra Yoga is the science
of spiritual evolution
Tantra Yoga offers a systematic approach
to spirituality for anyone who gets close
enough to this system and who does not
allow themselves to be tricked by the
over-simplification of so many Tantra Yoga
presentations today.
Encouraging a lucid, practical approach
to all spiritual experiences, Tantra Yoga
offers methods for immediately validating
all concepts that can be encountered in
this system. Moreover, it offers explanations
about the mechanisms of our consciousness
together with practical ways to validate
this knowledge in our daily experiences. All
aspects of life are rigorously integrated in
a coherent and complete view upon Reality:
nothing being useless or meaningless. For
this reason within the Tantra Yoga system,
even the deepest metaphysical aspects, such
as, for example, the manifestation of Divine
Grace, are approached in a systematic, lucid
and integral manner, in the same way as
intimacy, love or sexual power.

#4 Tantra Yoga: a spiritual
system based on universal laws
and principles
The set of spiritual laws and principles
upon which the Tantra Yoga system laid
its foundation is structured in a complex
network. These principles mutually support
and develop each other, constituting
a solid foundation upon which human
consciousness is able to expand its state of
awakening towards Reality. Genuine Tantra

Yoga will always start from fundamental
laws and principles that allow a universal
understanding, which remains the same in
every age, culture or context. This is the
reason why we can find traces of this system
in almost all places on Earth, even under
different names. Within the Tantra Yoga
system, the practitioner goes from conscious
experience to realising the laws and principles
that exist beyond these experiences, thus
gaining gradual control over all aspects
of life. There is no need for blind faith or
dogmas because the practitioner of this
system will replace them with the unshakeable
certitude of experience. This is the only
reason why tantric practitioners eliminate
taboos and preconceived ideas: not as a
form of spiritual anarchy – as it is often
superficially presented – but as a side effect
of such an approach to evolution that allows
the profound understanding of all laws
and principles.
This is the path to freedom and perfection
in a systematic and objective way.

#5 Tantra Yoga is a system
of gradual transformation
through alchemy
The spiritual journey in Tantra Yoga can
be described as a continuous state of
awakening that naturally leads to the
expansion of the consciousness through
the inner alchemical transformation of all
that is inferior.
The Tantra yoga practitioner cultivates
the courage to look at each life experience
as it is, without trying to adjust it to his own
convenience. The essential capacity of being
and remaining aware and lucid in the middle
of the most intense experiences represents
a “philosopher’s stone” that triggers
alchemical transformations within, leading
to a gradual transformation of the entire
character of the practitioner. The Tantra
Yoga system does not look at transformation
as the result of privileged circumstances,
but as the result of the preparation through
gradual, successive transformations. The
aim of the Tantra Yoga system is to become
able to gain complete control over our
choices, irrespective of exterior conditions.
For example, one can be happy in special
conditions but the successful practice of the
Tantra Yoga system will teach you to be and
remain happy in all conditions. And that is
possible when we discover that in our true
nature we are happy.
This characteristic of the Tantra Yoga
system makes it very difficult to formalise it,
because alchemical transformation always
starts from inside and leads towards the
outside. The outer reality is a mere mirror

“The word “tantra” is a
Sanskrit word which,
similarly to the word
“yoga”, has numerous
distinct meanings which
are all connected.”
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