
(Greg DeLong) #1


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om spirit

of our inner realisations and the tantric
practitioner uses the world only to learn about
himself/herself. This is also a deeply moral
attitude that would naturally solve most of the
moral crises we have in the world today.

#6 Tantra Yoga is the path
of efficient transformation
of all aspects of life
Tantra Yoga facilitates the gradual
spiritualisation of each domain of our lives,
including eroticism and intimacy, but not
only that. The fact that it covers all aspects
of life, including those aspects that most
religions refuse to deal with and often treat in
a childish way, makes Tantra Yoga a system
that is famous for the wrong reasons today.
Indeed, in order to obtain a much desired
spiritual result, Tantra Yoga provides, among
other things, efficient methods to free us
from the grip of obsessions, desires and
temptations. However, the way of doing
this does not involve the suppression or
refusal of the objects of desire, but rather
their conscious alchemical transformation.
Precisely through this spiritual approach,
Tantra Yoga offers the aspirant a much
deeper vision of life; life stops being a place
filled with dangerous temptations to which the
only solution is to avoid them to the greatest
possible extent. The tantric practitioner lives
an intensely conscious life, full of amazing
and meaningful experiences that are always
lessons, which have the essential goal of
awakening the practitioner even more.
In the vision of the Tantra system
everything has its own importance, which is
why it includes methods for the harmonious,
spiritual re-integration of our sexual impulses
through transforming them into superior
impulses. However, for anyone to simply state
that Tantra Yoga is nothing but a system
of sexual yoga is plain ignorance. In reality,

the tantric practitioner learns to make love
in a sublime way as an amazing spiritual
experience, adding it to other life lessons.
A fact which is currently misunderstood by
many is how easily we can obtain elevated
states of consciousness in the midst of daily
life and by using the very forces which we
would otherwise have to avoid. The correct
and systematic application of the methods
of the Tantra Yoga system enables us to
discover a state of amazement, enjoyment,
wisdom, beauty, inspiration and sacredness
right in the middle of a life that for others is
dull and unspiritual.

#7 Tantra Yoga is a genuine
highway for spiritual evolution
Even though a famous saying speaks about
this spiritual path as being as narrow as
the blade of a knife, this metaphor refers
to some other aspects of the Tantra
Yoga system. From the perspective of the
possibilities it offers humanity, we can say
that Tantra Yoga is the most accessible
path for this age of individualisation and
diversification. Oftentimes we hear that
Tantra Yoga is a path that is addressed only
to the very few who are prepared for it, yet
this is an error. Due to its structure around
universal laws and principles, Tantra Yoga
can be adapted to the specific needs of
each aspirant, each practitioner finding their
methodology, being able to tailor their path
according to their needs.
This system takes everyone from where
they are and empowers each person with
their most suitable tools in order to make
the most from this cosmic journey.^

Advaita Stoian, Tantra teacher and author
of the world’s most comprehensive esoteric
Tantra course and the world’s first Maha
Vidya book series. (
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