
(Greg DeLong) #1

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high in antioxidants which help protect cells in the body from free
radical damage and exposure to chemicals, smoking and pollution.
Famed for its ability to soothe digestion and clear congestion,
aniseed is a key herb for supporting the digestive function. And
cardamom seeds, fennel, coriander, licorice and turmeric all help
with the elimination of inflammatory toxins from the body. Turmeric
is a key herb to watch when it comes to cleansing. It has well-
documented effects on antioxidant activity and liver support with
research consistently showing that turmeric increases activity at
every stage of the liver’s detoxing process. There is also increasing
evidence of the benefit of turmeric for improving the microbiome
as a prebiotic. Turmeric slows down the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria like
Helicobacter pylori which contributes to gastro-oesophageal reflux
disease, while increasing ‘good’ bacteria.

How important is supplementation in a cleanse?
A healthy diet is key to optimal health. However, supplementation can
be helpful if we want to give our body an extra boost, for example, if
we’ve been hit with seasonal colds or flu, or if we’ve over-indulged.
In an ideal world we would all be eating the right foods to help us
cleanse. But it’s not always that easy. By incorporating supplements
into our diets, we can give our body a helping hand. If someone is
new to detoxing, supplementation can steer us in the right direction;
if they are more experienced, it can help them to reach a deeper,
stronger level of detoxification.
Through supporting our body’s natural cleansing processes, we
are helping our body’s own ability to metabolise excess wastes
and toxins. The result: we feel more energised, vibrant and with an
improved overall feeling of wellbeing.


Pukka Clean Greens is the ideal solution for those who
have perhaps never undertaken a cleanse before. A
combination of 11 super greens, it is a gentle cleanser
that’s suitable for everyday use, helping the body keep on
top of its daily cleansing and detoxification needs.

Chlorella is especially effective in the removal of heavy
metals and pollutants, supporting their detoxification
from the body. It is a great option for those who are
looking for a deeper level of elimination.

Aloe vera is cooling, soothing and regenerative to hot and
irritated tissues of the body, particularly the liver and
the digestive tract. It will help optimise the functioning of
both, while also protecting them from damage.

Wholistic Triphala is a combination of three fruits that
optimise the health of the digestive tract. The three fruits
are amla, bibhitaki and haritaki and in combination they
both nourish and cleanse the digestive tract. Perfect after
any time of indulgence.

Pukka Feel New tea, a blend of organic herbs, including
turmeric, aniseed, fennel seed and coriander seed, helps
to support liver and gut function.

Sebastian Pole is an ayurvedic practitioner and master herbsmith at Pukka Herbs. For more information visit:
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