
(Greg DeLong) #1

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ur Earth is dying right before
our very eyes.
The stark reality of our
world today is that toxic
pollution impacts our lives
dramatically, according to Pure Earth, a
non-profit environmental organisation.
Water, land and air pollution reach new
levels each and every year with no real
sustainable solution in place. In some of
the world’s worst polluted places, babies
are born with birth defects, children have
lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life expectancy

Sustainability asana: your ethical practice for inspired living. Stephanie Spence looks

at how we can align our purchasing decisions with our yoga practice

may be as low as 45 years because
of cancers and other diseases caused
by pollution.
The powerful news, though, is best
available numbers currently put our global
yoga community at just over 300 million or
about 3% of the total world population.
In the United States alone, the estimate is
36 million yogis. Given its global size, our
community has the ability to change our
planet’s outlook simply by making smarter
choices when it comes to the consumer
goods and services we buy.

Are you a sustainable
yogi consumer?
The annual worldwide value of today’s
yoga market is in the billions. That’s a lot
of yoga mats! What is the value set and
the lens through which you’re searching
in the marketplace for your yoga related
products? Are your choices in yoga
products reflecting the yogic lifestyle you
are aspiring to? How do you know what to
search for? How do you dispose of your
yoga products when you no longer need or
want them?
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