
(Greg DeLong) #1

Not really. I mean you get a few tips along the way, or maybe a
day on it with some courses, but there’s a lot to fit into a 200-hour
training. I was fortunate: I was asked by a lady to teach a random
private session in a gym and she loved it and raved about it to the
gym manager. I was offered three classes a week straight away, so I
didn’t really start out all alone. I then had that as my experience for
when I branched out independently.

I try to keep my website ranking high on google. There are loads
of free business listing websites you can add yourself to. Don’t
underestimate the power of putting adverts up in local shops
though. It might not seem like much, but it plants seeds for people
to consider and let’s them know you’re out there. In the way of
bloopers: no major ones, but I have paid for big adverts before with
no come back. I wouldn’t do it again.

You have to be prepared to work hard at the marketing, admin,
enquiries and accounts side and not just the teaching side. You have
to keep re-learning to keep yourself inspired and to pass on new

information and techniques to students. There is heavy competition
and new, enthusiastic teachers are emerging locally all the time. You
have to keep on top of your game, be inspired, be authentic and
not get complacent. Put the work in and the rewards do come. It is a
great thing to pass on this gift of yoga, but you have to accept the
ebb and flow of class numbers and keep a positive mental attitude
to that.

Yin is my go-to reset yoga practice, but I also like to do something
completely non-yoga related too. That way, my brain can’t sneak
into work mode in any way. I like dancing. I have recently got into
doing barre too, which helps me feel strong and keeps me moving
in different ways. I also love playing drums which is a meditation
in movement in a completely different way. I enjoy date night,
reading...and turning my phone off is a must, sometimes.

It’s not really a hard lesson, but I had to toughen up my over-
sensitive personality for teaching. I had to learn quickly that it’s okay
that not everyone likes me or my teaching style and to be okay with
that. Those that my teaching resonates with will come. Also, learning
to keep some distance, professionally. I still find that hard, as I love
to chat and I love to help, but if I’m not careful, giving too much of
myself can be draining. I feel fortunate and very grateful to be doing
what I do.

Written and compiled by Claudia Brown (

Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams.

Te acher zone


This month’s mentor: Vernette Butler, 42,
of Vernyoga in Surrey
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