
(WallPaper) #1

The Coastal Redwoods
From Big Sur north through Humboldt County, the coast redwoods are
one of California’s treasures. These trees are one of the reasons to visit
this area of the world. The coastal redwoods are related to the giant se-
quoias, yet the coastal variety is a distinct species (Sequoia sempervirens).
These trees are both tall and old and when we consider our interdepen-
dence as a planetary community, the coastal redwoods provide habitat
for wildlife, capture CO2, and produce abundant oxygen. They represent
and embody longevity.
One of the many benefits of forest bathing or hiking in these forests is
the lush ecosystem that they create. As humans, we can literally set aside
our own ego and connect to the Earth. I remember the scent of these
woods the first time I visited the area. There is nothing else like it. Hug
these trees with gratitude.
In the Big Sur region, don’t miss Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. If you’re
a day hiker, the popular Ewoldsen Trail offers opportunities to bask in
the redwood groves and enjoy ocean views. You can also walk through
the redwood groves in Hendy Woods State Park in the wine country of
Mendocino County. In California, there are a number of parks filled with
redwoods; some of the other noteworthy bucket list destinations include
Muir Woods National Monument and Big Basin Redwoods State Park.
For information about conservation, visit:
—Felicia Tomasko

Mammoth Lakes Area
While Mammoth may be largely known for its skiing at Mammoth
Mountain and the surrounding area, it’s an amazing place to visit any
time of the year. Located between the epic parks of Yosemite and Se-
quoia and Kings Canyon, the scenic hikes, spectacular views, and moun-
tain air are only a few of the attractions. I have a number of go-to spots
in the area for hiking. For example, the Crystal Lake Trailhead features
amazing views. If you want more information on where to go in the
Eastern Sierras, the Mammoth Lakes Trail System connects three wilder-
ness areas to the Pacific Crest Trail and unique landscapes like the Inyo
Craters. Read more at:
—Guy Gabriel is an avid snowboarder who practices yoga to keep up

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