
(WallPaper) #1


Bent: How Yoga Saved My Ass

Anne Clendening
Parallax Press

Hold onto your seats, because this memoir
is a “Pow Pow Pow Pow Experience.” It
will grab you, spin you, and pull you up and
down until it lands you into your center of
Anne Clendening is a yoga teacher and
creative nonfiction writer living in LA. I first
met her years ago when she subbed some of
my yoga classes and I found her to be capti-
vating, fragile, and enthusiastically raw. This
also describes her style of writing.
In one of the many juicy and insightful
quotes from Bent, Anne says, “Fear is a
bastard. Fear is an attention whore. I want to
ask fear if it has mommy issues because that
is the only reason I am thinking why it needs
attention so bad. I want fear to get Parkin-
son’s, then maybe fear will know how it feels
to be on the run from something it doesn’t
In Bent, Anne takes us on a journey of
her experience growing up in Los Angeles,
her struggles with alcohol, becoming a yogi,
and her diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. I
feel that yoga is almost a second character
in the book, as she describes her relation-
ship with yoga from her first introduction to
the practice to how it is saving her life now.
Anyone suffering from emotional or physical
challenges will be inspired. Reading this book
will definitely transform you and that is a
“Girl Scout Promise.”
As I write this, I am on the second read of
Bent, and I am totally convinced that if Anne
were older, Jim Morrison would have written
the song LA Woman just for her.

Dale Nieli is a yoga therapist and teacher who owns
Zen Bodies Malibu:

Dead Set on Living

by Chris Grosso with Alice Peck
North Star Way

You know when people ask you, “If you
could host the ultimate dinner party, who
would be on the guest list?” Dead Set on
Living: On Making the Difficult but Beauti-
ful Journey from F**cking Up to Waking Up
reads like the transcript of the best dinner
party ever. If you don’t yet know who Chris
Grosso is, you should, and you will.
Dead Set on Living is Chris’ latest book.
His first two, Everything Mind, and Indie
Spiritualist, were both solid contributions
to the modern spirituality space. Dead Set
On Living is a manual for navigating human
condition at high contrast. His voice is sweet
and raw, confident and vulnerable, curious
and knowledgeable. He openly shares the
frustration and shame of his (at times) life-
threatening struggle with addiction—recov-
ery, relapse, and recovery, rinse and repeat.
Grosso weaves his story throughout the
book, which is comprised of conversations
with a series of teachers and thought leaders
from a variety of disciplines, including Gabor
Maté, Tara Brach, Ram Dass, Noah Levine,
Duncan Trussell, Sharon Salzberg, and many
more. Each chapter explores the nature of
suffering and addiction through a particular
lens, and is punctuated with instructions for
a practice that will help cultivate whatever
soul hack was covered. Dead Set on Living
delivers wisdom for everyone.
Let’s be honest, we all have our ways of
numbing out when the endurance test that
is life feels too hard. Whether your addictive
behavior is obvious or subtle, legal or con-
traband, Grosso and his posse offer practical
wisdom for the journey towards self-mastery
delivered with humility and compassion.

Reviewed By Zoë Kors, a writer, speaker, and coach:

The Doctor from India

Directed by Jeremy Frindel
Zeitgeist Films

Ayurvedic physician Dr Vasant Lad is one
of the modern pioneers of this ancient prac-
tice. Dr Lad exudes the love of a thousand
grandmothers and melts hearts as he teaches
and heals with the ancient Indian health
system of Ayurveda.
This feature-length documentary, directed
by Jeremy Frindel, is full of standout mo-
ments. These include seeing Dr Lad in his
native India. We see him revisit the tiny,
humble Indian apartment where he grew up
as a child. Viewers learn about his father,
who was a devotee of Gandhi and the path of
The film followed a day in his current life
in Pune, India where he lives and works for
at least three months a year. After teaching
international students at his school, Dr Lad
heads into the city each night to work at his
free night-time health clinic to serve the sick
and poor locals with Ayurveda. I was inspired
by the love and devotion he demonstrates in
all areas of his life and work.
The Doctor from India reminded me to
believe in the mysteries of life, to feel beyond
that which we can rationalize with our think-
ing brain, and beyond what see with our
physical eyes.
If you are on the spiritual path, if you are a
compassionate human, or if you are curious
about India, then you will be inspired by this
film. You will learn about Ayurveda, yoga’s
sister science, and you will feel so much love vi-
brating from the screen. Ayurveda is love. Please
go see this film. It is showing in the LA area June

Reviewed by Erin Douglas, Community Manager at
Banyan Botanicals. Dr. Lad is the reason Erin studied
Ayurveda and changed her career to work in the field
of Ayurveda.

Design: Adrian Curry. Illustrations by Keshari Das and Dr. Vasant Lad (courtesy of Lotus Press).
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