
(WallPaper) #1

astrology may



Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the
author of Yoga and Vedic
Astrology and The Ascen-
dant—108 Planets of Vedic
Astrology. He is the founder
of the American Academy of
Vedic Art and Science, which offers three levels of
certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently
the Academy has more than 120 students enrolled.
Visit Sam’s website at:

May begins with an attitude of intensity and a reminder that we are not necessarily always in control.
Use your practice to surrender and to cultivate courage in action. Throughout the month, we’ll be nego-

tiating passion and enthusiasm as well as times when the best action is no action. Doing nothing is a
practice. As we move through the cycles, take time for self-inquiry and turn your attention to devotion.

Complete May by scheduling time with friends and make sure to connect with your tribe and your family.

May 1-2
The Moon is in Scorpio now. Scorpio is a
sign related to the intensity of our emotions.
In particular, we feel the inherent vulnerabil-
ity of life as well as the acute experience that
we are not in control. We have the illusion
of control, but this illusion comes at a price.
For the next couple of days you may be pay-
ing that price, the price of emotional restless-
ness and stress. In response to this, we often
seek to control situations and others. That
often shows up as blaming and victimizing
others. Instead, take this time to develop the
emotional courage to sit with what is, rather
than project outward onto others.

M ay 2
Mars enters Capricorn, where it will be for
the next six months. Mars represents that
part of ourselves that acts with passion and
enthusiasm, mainly in order to feel strong
individually. But these actions may come with
an intense, even burning quality. This can
result in conflict, arguing, and confrontation.
But while in Capricorn, Mars is exalted. This
supports our ability to be more strategic in
these areas. In the highest sense, this is a time
when we will take care to NOT destroy our
relationships with others. The real damaging
aspect of Mars energy is aggression and even
violence. Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn,
makes us aware of these consequences and
brings a healthy caution to them.

May 3-7
The Moon is in Sagittarius along with Sat-
urn, then in Capricorn with Mars and Ketu.
These five days will be pretty intense and
stressful. On May 3-5, we have a very close
conjunction of the Moon with Saturn, which
can amplify depression and feelings of loneli-
ness. Midway through May 5 and continuing
through May 7, we may experience frustra-
tion and even anger directed toward others,
as the Moon joins Mars and the South Node.
Needless to say, these will be challenging
times, both personally and globally. Some-
times the best thing to do, is nothing.

May 9-10
The Moon is in Aquarius aspected by Saturn
in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra. Aquarius
is the sign of culture and larger causes. Sat-
urn brings the energy of focus and commit-
ment. And Jupiter manifests the energy of
inspiration and purpose. Focus your energy
now on things that inspire you. Pay atten-
tion to the areas in which you want to make
the world a better place. Focus on those
long-term goals now.

May 15
Today is the New Moon in Taurus, which
begins a 30-day cycle of Taurus energy.
This enhances our ability to experience the
sensual and pleasurable qualities of life. But
we have to be careful not to become addicted
to the sensual form. Instead we would do
well to remember that enjoyment is just an
affirmation from the universe that we are on
the right track. The deeper lesson is content-
ment with what we have as well as with the
people around us. Happiness and enjoyment
are merely the rewards.

Ask yourself: What makes you happy? It is
life’s fleeting pleasures that you are trying
to gobble up? Or is it wisdom, love and

This Full Moon happens in Kritikka Naksha-
tra, which is ruled by the sun god Agni, the
god of purification and light. Now is a great
time to purify your emotional attachments,
and feel that warm glow in your heart that
comes from being devoted to truth.

May 19 – 20
The Moon is in Cancer with Rahu, which
reveals the potential for enormous devotion.
But there is also the potential for toxic emo-
tions overwhelming that deeper, devotional
possibility. Emotion is just energy. When it
is aligned with God, it becomes devotion.
When it is aligned with ego or when this
energy is merely trying to satisfy personal

desires, it may become pathological. Culti-
vate awareness as this will be an intensely
emotional time. Is your heart full of God
or desire?

May 26-27
The Moon is in Libra, joined Jupiter. This is a
great time to reevaluate your relationships. In
your relationships, consider your hopes, disap-
pointments, and connections. Libra is the sign
that promotes our willingness to compromise
and be accommodating of others. Jupiter
shows what inspires us, but also what disap-
points us. These themes are converging now
for all of us. Are we compromising because
we hope our fantasies will be fulfilled? We all
know how that turns out, right?

May 29
There will be a Full Moon in Scorpio today.
This Full Moon in Scorpio allows us to
harmonize emotional passion and vulnerabil-
ity with emotional stability and connection,
which are the qualities of Taurus. Now is
the time for us to be emotionally dynamic
and to address our vulnerabilities. This
comes in contrast to the energy of Taurus, in
which we can be rigid and stuck. Intensity in
contrast to stability is the theme now. It is a
great time to practice yoga and meditation.

This Full Moon takes place in Anuradha
Nakshatra, ruled by the god Mitra, the
god of divine friendliness. Spend time with
friends today.
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