
(WallPaper) #1


Felicia Tomasko


rees do not live in isolation. They are connected by a network that is more than
simply the roots beneath the ground. And we live in symbiotic association with
them, exchanging our very breath.
This exchange and connection with the breath is part of our practice. It is an
everyday reminder of how we nourish ourselves as well as how we connect to our
own strength and resilience.
In this issue, we explore these topics of nourishment, interconnectedness and some of the ways in
which we travel through life.
Our focus on regional travel highlights some of the epic hikes and outdoor areas where people
can spend time with some of the world’s most beautiful, largest, and even the oldest trees. Spending
time with trees does more than simply nourish our soul and speak to our hearts. Research confirms
the health benefits are real. While the practice of forest bathing is one example, even urban groves—
benefit our health and wellness. This summer, enjoy their shade. Enjoy their beauty. Trees are magic.
You can even try embracing that power by hugging one.
When you’re hugging the trees or attending a festival immersed in them, it’s important to plan
ahead, and have healthy and nurturing food and water handy. Author Nikki Sharp shares some
secrets from her book, Meal Prep Your Way to Weight Loss. Really, it’s about meal prepping your
way to health and vibrancy. She shares some of her hacks for road trips, plane trips, family meals,
and festivals. This advice is particularly meaningful since we are entering into festival season with
Shakti Fest in May, Mammoth Yoga Festival in June, and Wanderlust Tahoe in July.
To further nourish yourselves while traveling, wandering mantra artists Deva Premal and Miten
offer suggestions on how to find a mantra, how to use a mantra while traveling, and what practices
they use to stay healthy and balanced on the road.
Practice is an anchor even for the wandering soul, and particularly during times that are stressful.
Rina Jakubowicz, author of The Yoga Mind, shares how some of the very techniques she describes in
her book were the anchors she used to stay grounded and centered during the stress of her husband,
Eric Paskel’s, ski accident and recovery. By exploring how we are able to be the witness during our
challenges, we can face them with greater strength and resilience.
In seeking connection, healing and change we can create solutions that can benefit generations
to come. Jade Yoga’s partnership with Trees for the Future (TREES) is an example of conscious
business practices. Their work recognizes our ongoing commitment to living the teachings of yoga
in every part of life.
May our travels enrich us and help us to connect to balance, strength, and resilience.


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