Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

176 Popes and Jews, 1095–1291

In similar manner Gregory IX stated several times throughout the 1230s that Jews

must not hold public office. Thus in 1231 he complained to the archbishop of

Gran (Hungary) that:68

Furthermore, although it was clearly decreed in the Council of Toledo that the
Jews should not be given preferment in public office, since it seems thoroughly out of
harmony that blasphemers of Christ should exercise authority over Christians: yet
everywhere in the Kingdom, Jews and Saracens without distinction are placed in
office. under this pretext, they bring outrageous burdens upon the churches, and are
very injurious to the Christian name.

The same year he also counselled the bishops of Astorga and lugo and the dean

of lugo (Portugal) that since the bishop of lisbon had complained that in his dio-

cese Jews were being given preferment in public office they should approach the

king personally and ensure that he give preferential treatment to Christians.69 He

confirmed the same point in 1233, this time for Germany:70

And although it was decided at the Council of Toledo and likewise renewed at the
General Council, that a blasphemer of Christ should not be given preferment in public
office, since it is absurd that such should exercise power over Christians, nevertheless
secular dignities and public offices are committed to their care, and as a result they vent
their rage against the Christians and force some of them to adopt their rites.71

In the same year he urged the archbishop of Compostella and his suffragans to

ensure Jews held no public office,72 and complained to Andrew II of Hungary

(1205–1235), that the archbishop of Gran had noted certain grave wrongs and

serious abuses in the Kingdom including that:73

Moreover, contrary to the Council of Tours, Jews and Saracens used to be placed in
authority by being given public office, and under this pretext they would bring serious
injury upon the churches, and would in many ways offend the Christians.74

eisdem officiis preficerent infideles, et idem rex vobis jamdudum direxerit scripta sua, in quibus lege
perpetuo duratura se statuisse dicebat, ne in regno ungarie ullo unquam suo vel heredum suorum
tempore tales preficiantur officiis supradictis.’

68 Gregory IX, ‘Cum illius vices’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, pp.184–6; Simonsohn, pp.130–2; ‘Cum illius
vices’, Grayzel Vol. 1, p.186; Simonsohn, p.131: ‘Et licet in Toletano Concilio provide sit statutum ne
Judei publicis officiis preferantur, cum nimis obsonum videatur, ut Christi blasphemus in Christianos
vim exerceat potestatis, in regno tamen eodem passim Judei ac Sarraceni publicis officiis preponuntur,
qui sub tali pretextu et dampna gravia ecclesiis inferunt, et christiano nomini plurimum sunt infesti.’
69 Gregory IX, ‘Ex speciali quem’ (20 october 1231), Grayzel, Vol. 1, pp.190–2; Simonsohn,
70 Gregory IX, ‘Sufficere debuerat perfidie’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, pp.198–200; Simonsohn, pp.141–3.
71 Gregory IX, ‘Sufficere debuerat perfidie’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, p.198; Simonsohn, p.142: ‘Et cum in
Toletano concilio sit statutum, et in generali nihilominus innovatum ne Christi blasphemus publicis
preferatur officiis cum nimium sit absurdum ut talis in Christianos vim exerceat potestatis, nihilomi-
nus eis dignitates seculares et publica officia committuntur, quorum occasione in Christianos seviunt,
et nonnullos servare faciunt ritum suum.’
72 Gregory IX, ‘Judei quos propria’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, pp.204–6; Simonsohn, pp.145–7.
73 Gregory IX, ‘Quanto personam tuam’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, pp.206–10; Simonsohn, pp.147–9.
74 Gregory IX, ‘Quanto personam tuam’, Grayzel, Vol. 1, p.208; Simonsohn, p.148: ‘Judei insuper
ac Sarraceni publicis proponebantur officiis contra Concilium Turonense, qui sub tali pretextu et
dampna gravia inferebant ecclesiis et Christianos plurimum infestabant.’

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