Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

282 Bibliography

The Church and the Jews in the Thirteenth Century, Vol. 1: A Study of their Relations During

the Years 1198–1254, based on the Papal Letters and the Conciliar Decrees of the Period, ed.
S. Grayzel (New york, 1966); The Church and the Jews in the Thirteenth Century, Vol. 2:
1254–1314, ed. S. Grayzel (New york, 1989).

The Crusades. Idea and Reality, ed. L. riley-Smith, J. S. c. riley-Smith (London, 1981).

The Deeds of Pope Innocent III by an Anonymous Author, ed. and trans. J. m. Powell

(Washington Dc, 2004).

The Disputation at Barcelona, ed. c. B. chavel (New york, Ny, 1983).

The Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, ed. r. Hill (oxford, 1962).

The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate. The Old Testament First Published by the

English College at Douay, A.D. 1609; and The New Testament First Published by the English
College at Rheims, A.D. 1582 (Belfast, 1858).

The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: Travels in the Middle Ages, Text, Translation and

Commentary, ed. m. N. adler (London, 1907).

The Jew in the Medieval World. A Source Book, 315–1791, ed. J. r. marcus (New york, 1975).

The Jew in the Medieval World: A Source Book, 315–1791, revised ed. J. r. marcus,

m. Saperstein (cincinatti, ohio, 1999).

The Jewish-Christian Debate in the High Middle Ages: A Critical Edition of the Nizzahon

Vetus, ed. D. Berger (Philadelphia, 1979).

The Jews and the Crusaders. The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades, trans.

and ed. S. eidelberg (madison, 1977).

The Josippon, ed. D. Flusser, 2 vols (Jerusalem, 1978–1979), Vol. 2.

The Letters of Peter the Venerable, 1, ed. G. constable, 2 vols (cambridge, mass., 1967).

The Letters of St Bernard of Clairvaux, trans. B. S. James, 3rd edn (Stroud, 1998).

The Life and Miracles of St William of Norwich by Thomas of Monmouth, ed. and trans.

a. Jessop and m. r. James (cambridge, 2011).

The Ma’aseh Book, ed. m. Gaster, 2 vols (Philadelphia, 1934), Vol. 2.

The Refutation of the Christian Principles by Hasdai Crescas, ed. and trans. D. J. Lasker (albany, 1992).

The Shebet Yehudah of Shelomo ibn Verga, ed. a. Shohat (Jerusalem, 1947).

The Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas, trans. by the Fathers of the english Dominican

Province, Part 2, Second Part, QQi–XLVi (London, 1916).

The Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas, trans. by the Fathers of the english Dominican

Province, Part 2, Second Part, QQXLVii–LXXiX (London, 1929).

The Trial of the Talmud: Paris, 1240. Hebrew Texts translated by John Friedman, Latin Texts

translated by Jean Connell Hoff; Historical Essay by Robert Chazan (Toronto, 2012).

Thomas de chobham, Summa de arte praedicandi, ed. F. morenzoni (Turnhout, 1989).

Thomas of cantimpré, Bonum universal de apibus (Douai, 1627).

Thomas of chobham, Summa Confessorum, Analecta Medieaevalia Namercensia, 25, ed.

F. Broomfield (Louvain, Paris, 1968).

Thomas of monmouth, The Life and Passion of William of Norwich, ed. and trans. m. rubin

(London, 2014).

Uodalscalcus de Eginone et Herimanno, ed. P. Jaffé, Monumenta Germaniae Historica

Scriptores, Vol. 12 (Hanover, 1856), pp.429–48.

Walter of châtillon, ‘Dialogus contra iudaeos’, Patrologia cursus completus, Series Latina,

comp. J. P. migne (Paris, 1841–1864) 209, cols 423–58.

William of Bourges, Bellum Domini contra Iudaeos et contra Iudaeorum hereticos,

Supplementum patrum, ed. J. Homoney (Paris, 1686).

William of Bourges, Bellum Domini contra Iudaeos et contra Iudaeorum hereticos, Sources

Chrétiennes, ed. G. Dahan (Paris, 1981).
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