The Atlantis Encyclopedia

(Nandana) #1

F: Falias to Fu Sang Mu 113


T 113 T


One of four pre-Celtic ceremonial centers renowned for their splendor and
power, sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean during separate catastrophes.
These lost cities correspond to Ireland’s four alien immigrations cited by The Book
of Invasions and the quartet of cataclysms that afflicted Atlantis around 3100,
2100, 1620, and 1200 B.C. Gaelic tradition states that Falias was the original home-
land of Ireland’s first inhabitants, the Fomorach, from whence they carried the
Stone of Death, “crowned with pale fire.” It recalls the Tuoai, or “Fire Stone,” of
Atlantis, as described by Edgar Cayce.
(See Finias, Fomorach, Gorias, Murias, Tir-nan-Og, Tuoai Stone, Tuatha da


The Irish “Pearl of Beauty,” wife of a sea-god, the Celtic Poseidon, Manannan.
They dwelt in a kingdom known as “Land-under-Wave,” on an island in the West,
the concentric walls of their city lavishly decorated with gleaming sheets of
precious metal virtually the same as Plato’s description of Atlantis. In the Old
Irish legend of the Celtic hero, Cuchulain, Fand appears as a prophetess living
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