The Atlantis Encyclopedia

(Nandana) #1

174 The Atlantis Encyclopedia


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The survivor, together with his wife, of a great flood that destroyed the world
and from whom an Indian tribe in British Guiana derived its name.


The eastern half of Ponape, which features the island’s largest state. The
Micronesian location is the site of Nan Madol, an extensive megalithic ceremonial
center which resembles the Indus Valley cities of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.
Madolenih-Mw suggests the name of the lost Pacific civilization that gave rise to
both Nan Madol and the Indus Valley cities.


A legendary Irish voyager, he was actually a poetic device to epitomize pre-
Celtic and early-Celtic knowledge of the sea. In one adventure, Maeldune sails to an
unknown, mist-shrouded, abandoned island with tall mountains and a strange city
laid out in concentric circles of alternating land and water connected by canals.
Each ring of land was surrounded by walls decorated with gold, silver, and an un-
familiar precious metal —bath, which gleamed brighter than shiny copper or bronze.
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