Yoga Bodies Real People, Real Stories, & the Power of Transformation

(Ann) #1

Yoga is about incrementally becoming more
aware of the world around you and of yourself:
your thoughts, decisions, and behaviors. When
you start doing yoga, you begin thinking, “What
are the consequences of my actions? Why am
I doing what I am doing? Will it be beneficial to
me? Are there negative implications?”
The main principle on which Hinduism is based
is karma, the idea that our lives are defined by
how we act and that everything we do has con-
sequences, which can be good or bad. I would
never tell anyone not to eat meat or drink
alcohol, but I would recommend that anyone

who wishes to eat meat consider the effect of
that choice. That might mean going to see how
animals are butchered and processed. Likewise, if
you choose to drink, you might first go to a bar
and observe people getting drunk.
Hindus believe that every single thing we do,
every single thought, can affect our karma for
the next seven generations. If you come from
that awareness and see things from that per-
spective, you understand that your actions mat-
ter and everything in the universe is yours.
When you realize that you own everything,
you start to take responsibility for everything.


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