Yoga Bodies Real People, Real Stories, & the Power of Transformation

(Ann) #1

All my life I’ve had tight muscles. It’s a constant
battle. My hamstrings and my quads are so tight.
My left hip is tight. I have problems with my lower
back and my mid-back, up between my shoulder
blades. Plus my right rotator cuff has a slight tear
in it from playing baseball in a Sunday league.
Lately my fingers and hands have been aching,
too. I’m a salesman, so most of the week I’m in
my car running appointments. Sometimes I sit in
a parking lot and work on my computer. I’ll hold
the laptop at an awkward angle, and then after-
ward my hand will be sore. Or I’ll reach for my
briefcase in the backseat and it tweaks my rota-
tor cuff. All these aches and pains I never had
when I was younger... it’s kind of irritating.
For a while, I kind of got into that Bikram
yoga, where they heat the room to 100 degrees

or so. The best thing about that was the cool
air outside when I left. I know to listen to my
body, so I’m not going to go into a yoga pose
far enough to hurt myself. I know when enough
is enough. But I did notice that with the added
warmth it was easier to get into the poses.
Even though I’m not taking classes any-
more, yoga has paid off for me. If you put me
at a party with a bunch of friends of mine, I’m
probably going to be the most flexible person
in the room. These days I get up in the morn-
ing at least three or four times a week and do
my own routine. I’m always looking for a better
way to stretch my hip out, and I do exercises
for my shoulders.
I’m just in search of a silver bullet that will
cure all of my ailments. Do you have one?


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