Mindfulness and Yoga in Schools A Guide for Teachers and Practitioners

(Ben Green) #1
CHAPTER 11: on THE mAT: foRmAl YogA PRACTICES foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT • 237

Table, Cat, and Cow Poses

Table, Cat, and Cow Poses all begin with the same basic framework of Table Pose
(Herrington, 2012). Table Pose helps with core strengthening and stabilization. Cat and Cow
Poses improve physical coordination and coordination with breath (Flynn, 2013). Table Pose
is presented here with a reaching variation. For Cow Pose, begin from Table Pose and drop
your belly, lifting your chest and sit bones on an inhalation (see Flynn, 2013, pp. 120–121).
For Cat Pose, arch your spine toward the ceiling, drop your head, and pull your naval to
your spine on an exhale (see Flynn, 2013, pp. 120–121). Cycle between Cat Pose and Cow
Pose with each inhalation and exhalation (Herrington, 2012).

PoSE 11.4 TAblE wITH ExTEnSIon

Pose Table With Extension
Instruct Come to the floor on your hands and knees with toes tucked
under. Press down on your mat, through your thumbs and first
fingers. Spread your fingers. Pull your naval up and in toward
your spine. Lengthen from your tailbone through the crown of
your head. To extend, look slightly forward, reach your left hand
forward and your right leg back. Press into the floor and engage
your belly. Release and come back to Table Pose. Continue on
other side.
Anchor Point Hands, knees, and belly. Focal point the floor and front wall.
Breath Work Breathe steadily. Take deep breaths. Inhale for reaches and exhale
for releases.

Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Curran, 2013; Flynn, 2013; Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Harper, 2013; Walsh, 2008.

forward fold

Forward Fold is also called Rag Doll if you weave opposite hand to opposite elbow with
arms bent and let your arms hang heavy (Herrington, 2012). It is considered a calming and
soothing pose (Flynn, 2013). Forward Fold stretches the back side of the body including the
hamstrings, spine, and neck (Flynn, 2013). To modify the pose, encourage students to press
their hands on the front of their shins and soften their knees slightly.

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