CHAPTER 11: on THE mAT: foRmAl YogA PRACTICES foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT • 241
Plank Pose
Plank Pose strengthens arms, shoulders, wrists, ankles, legs, and core (Flynn, 2013). It is
believed to promote a healthy spine and good posture (Flynn, 2013). To accommodate stu-
dents in the pose, encourage them to drop their knees for support as shown. Half Plank
Pose, pictured in the following, is achieved by drawing the elbows toward the back of the
room and lowering to elbow height, keeping the chest open and shoulders integrated into
the body. The feet, hands, and core stay activated. For an added challenge, you can ask
students to press into Plank Pose, squeeze their feet and legs together, roll their heels to the
right as they ground into the right hand and take Side Plank Pose (Harper, 2013). This pose
engages the oblique core, leg, and arm muscles.
upward facing dog Pose
Upward Facing Dog is a chest opening pose that strengthens the lower back, spine, and
gluteus muscles (Flynn, 2013). To modify, students can do Cobra Pose in which the legs
and hips remain engaged with the mat and the chest is lifted only slightly, gaze is forward
and up (see Flynn, 2013, p. 124).
PoSE 11.8 HIgH PlAnk (wITH modIfICATIon And HAlf PlAnk)
Pose Plank Pose
Instruct From Downward Facing
Dog, or half-lift, engage your
belly pulling your naval to
your spine. Press your hands,
especially the thumbs and first
fingers into the floor. Press
the balls of your feet into the
floor. Drop your hips so that
your whole body becomes
parallel to the floor with your
hips between your ankles and
your shoulders. Draw your
triceps toward the back of the
room, look slightly forward,
and open across the chest.
Anchor Point Feet, hands, and belly. The
focal point is slightly forward.
Breath Work The breath should be deep,
intentional, and steady.
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Walsh, 2008.